Once we recognize that these things happen to us, we are halfway to doing something about them.
The fact that it does work tells us something very deep about how our perceptual systems operate, ’’ he wrote in an e-mail.
The fact that it does work tells us something very deep about how our perceptual systems operate,’’ he wrote in an e-mail.
I believe pain tells us something critical about ourselves and life: that developing strength and empathy and bravery is more essential than our personal comfort.
However, he thinks many people fear these questions. He writes, "There is something basically important about us that only boredom can teach us, but we naturally flee from it."
When we encounter something, someone or some place, we use our five natural senses to perceive information about it; that information helps us make decisions and chose the right actions to take.
Notice how the social situation of James churches might tell us something about why he comes to his belief in faith that he does and why he comes to a belief about works that he does.
The similes enable us to see something about the story that the rest of the poem doesn't enable us to see.
So, being realistic about your own abilities is important, yet it's something that eludes most of us.
Our language (e.g., "resistance to change"), our assumptions, and our mental models about change all seem to imply that something in our natures leads us to resist change.
We probably think that music is indirectly telling us something about the other person's personality.
When God hands us this reality, he has already incidentally assured its end, so death is something one needn't be anxious to bring about; death is a festival that is sure to befall you.
He left my mother, Gloria, a cryptic note, saying he had to go, that something big was happening, something he couldn't tell us about yet.
The idea that easy hiring and firing might permanently raise long-term unemployment is less bizarre, but still not something the US has needed to worry about in the past.
We learned how to make the other person feel happy about giving us what we want by making sure that they get something, too.
People are often very cynical about human nature, tending to think that strangers will happily lie to us if there is something in it for them.
Indeed, those recalcitrant minor key songs that defy generalization about the link between tonality and mood may tell us something more important about music than the ones that conform.
Well, the dualist says, "that shows us that we have to believe that there's something non-physical about us."
What this research tells us is that we need to do something about the working life itself and change it to accommodate older people if they are to work for longer and in good health.
The fact that we've got free will is something that most of us take for granted about ourselves.
You have much to teach us, as it is often through our observation of you we learn something about ourselves that requires transcending in order for our species to ascend.
"When I ask candidates what they know about us, it's rare that someone tells me something that isn't on our web site," Schweitzer says.
Yet another proverb advises us not to be concerned about something bad that you cannot change. It says there is no use crying over spilled milk.
Right now, Karen Leggett tells us about something people in African cities sometimes do not have - fresh fruits and vegetables. But urban gardening is changing that.
Right now, Karen Leggett tells us about something people in African cities sometimes do not have - fresh fruits and vegetables. But urban gardening is changing that.