It's hard to believe that I wrote Number the Stars more than twenty years ago.
I would choose not to do that on my teams, because I believe the practices are mutually reinforcing and work together so well that I give up something amazing if I leave one or more out.
At this stage we have more questions than answers but I believe that discussing them in public is the best way to make progress.
I would have liked a few more moments like that, but with this one exception, DeLay didn't believe in consorting with the enemy.
Surely the older clone — I, in this case — would believe that he understood how the copy should behave and so be even more likely than the average father to impose expectations upon his child.
I just believe this country will prosper, that you'll have more people moving more goods 20 or 30 years from now, and that the railways will prosper.
I believe that the more you do this, the less you will be disappointed because you will stop taking things so personally.
Make no mistake: I believe in the potential of citizen media more than ever, partly because I've seen some wonderful experiments that prove out the potential.
As for the impact on China, I believe many of you already discussed that whether there will more hot money inflow and what strategy can be adopted.
There are many more topics that have to be considered in system development, but I believe these examples satisfy my limited goal of offering a practical tour of the process.
I believe, 'said Mr Gills, blowing the dust off the glass top of a compass-case,' that you don't point more direct and due to the back parlour than the boy's inclination does after all.
I also believe we all agree that implementing these approaches is far more challenging today than it was 30 years ago when the Declaration of Alma-Ata was signed.
Merchants and individuals are free to choose which currencies they accept, and in the absence of legal tender laws I believe that alternative currencies will gain more traction.
If as I believe trans fats have close and much more healthful substitutes that cost little more than trans fats, the attempt to ban trans fats in New York City restaurants made sense.
I believe that the way in which smart people interact with and contribute to a team is often more important than the technology being regarded.
Also, I personally believe, long term, higher level declarative languages will have a better fit with the cloud as they will be more portable than lower level languages that assume a specific runtime.
I believe that rather than creating a new global language, we should encourage more and more people to study English well, which might be the most practical way of doing things.
A: I wouldn't want to speak for the Gates Foundation, but I do believe that eradicating malaria is the only morally acceptable end-goal, one that will take 40 years or more to achieve.
What is truly missing is compassion. I sincerely believe that if more readers take this one thing to heart, the whole world will evolve.
I sincerely believe that if more readers take this one thing to heart, the whole world will evolve.
I have no idea. But I believe that Avatar will stand as the proof that cinema can strive for something more nuanced and magical with its state-of-the-art technology.
If I had more respect to my life than the peace of the kingdom, I should've made a defence for myself that might leastwise have delayed the ugly sentence which I believe you will pass on me.
I don't believe that the number of migrants that are forced to go back will be any more than the recent arrivals, because those that already have been abroad probably have regular jobs and housing.
The wit, the humor, the brutal honesty, and the fact that people were eating it up and begging for more made me believe that I could do it too; that I could build a business around my passion.
I do not believe that it is unfair in any way to ask the Iraqi people to begin shouldering more of the costs of rebuilding their own country.
I came to believe the green fuse that drives spring and summer through the world is essentially a literary energy. That the world was more than a place.
I believe that fear is one of the emotions that people have a hard time handling, more specifically the fear of rejection.
While I believe the odds are high for a dollar collapse to be the ultimate final chapter, it would appear to me that we have several more chapters to slog through before we get there.
I believe it's clear that it is and that people who do so are people who understand more than the core efficient markets theory.
Let's say that you are a true skeptic and you don't believe in differentials yet then it is maybe not very good that I actually used more of these differential notations in deriving the answer.