That would be a good idea, plus if we were then we'd be happy and maybe we both could put this bad day behind us.
But if CAPTCHAs are broken it might not be a bad thing, because it would signal a breakthrough in machine vision that would, for example, make automated book-scanners far more accurate.
So it would be fair to count a bad vote less if it comes after another bad vote by that user.
NEARY: Yeah. You almost give the feeling that you would be a bad parent if you didn't buy into...
In this case, it's pretty clear that adding the directory these are in to the system-wide search path would be a bad idea.
You may know that allowing users to include "/" would be a bad idea, but just checking for this one character would probably be a mistake.
Let me clarify that "BAM everywhere" is not about the presence of business activity monitoring in every business enterprise around you (although that would not be a bad proposition at all).
It is unclear whether such a strategy would be seen as an act of bad faith that undermines the agreement, since the Nationals were not part of the discussions.
I do consider that a downside, but given how much time we normally spend together (a lot!), it's not as bad as it would be for some people.
It would be better if the right thread were on core 1, but we seem to be stuck with taking a chance that the wrong one ends up on core 1, and that's very bad, leaving cores 0 and 2 as the safe choice.
Had Goldman admitted to fraud - that is, admitted to having a bad intent rather than just having made a mistake - the plaintiffs bar likely would be preparing their suits right now.
This is why so many people get stuck in a revolving-door cycle, as being alone can be so painful that people would rather be in a bad relationship.
A good solution is to consider what the worst case scenario of failing would be, because once you do that, it's never as bad as when the scenario was an unknown.
That would be no bad thing, says Wesley Wark, a security specialist at the University of Toronto.
I don't think the Florida law's a bad thing, though - I never wore my trousers like this to school. That would be disrespectful.
What he has not done, because it would be useless, is to say Kraft would be a bad "fit" for Cadbury and leave it at that.
What he has not done, because it would be useless, is to say Kraft would be a bad “fit” for Cadbury and leave it at that.
The world would be a pretty lop-sided place if everyone were a rocket scientist or impressionist painter, so there is no need to feel bad about the strengths that you don't have.
The world would be a pretty lop-sided place if everyone were a rocket scientist or impressionist painter, so there is no need to feel bad about the strengths that you don’t have.
I now knew that if I didn't pay attention to code quality, at some point there would be a late night where I'd be fishing through a mess of spaghetti looking for the proverbial bad meatball.
Even if a fifth of the $650 billion of adjustable-rate subprime loans went bad, that would be a blip in the $40 trillion market for debt.
Don't feel bad about your proposal being put in cold storage. After all, the boss said in the meeting that a team would be set up to study its feasibility when our busy period is over.
It seemed certain that she would be the first ship home, but during the race she had a lot of bad luck.
If death was bad for me, that would be a fact If my death is bad for me, that would be a fact and we'd ask? Well, when is that fact true?
If death was bad for me, that would be a fact If my death is bad for me, that would be a fact and we'd ask? Well, when is that fact true?