He felt weak and sore, and the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him that, it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel.
That feeling you get when you don't want someone to do something for you because it would be a pain for them.
He felt weak and sore, and the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him that, even if he could find a job at navvy work, it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel.
I like to see a pattern and resolution, so it does pain me that what appears so lovely and natural to me would be regarded as abhorrent by most people.
So I did, in the way that I thought would be the least painful to the animal that already was in a lot of pain (I won't go into the details).
The worst thing that would happen to a human if they held their farts in would be a severe stomach pain.
She just knew he would be disappointed and that maybe it would ease the pain a little.
She just knew he would be disappointed and maybe that would ease the pain a little.
That pain would be worth enduring if it led to a better medium-term budget outcome. Unfortunately, in far too many places it won't.
One way around this redundancy problem would be administer a cocktail of inhibitory molecules that targets multiple pain mechanisms.
One way around this redundancy problem would be administer a cocktail of inhibitory molecules that targets multiple pain mechanisms.