That would be fine if they could monetise what lies below the hooves.
That would be fine if the declaration style were slightly different. For example, imagine the code were more like.
That would be fine if his blog generated media opportunities, or supported a book he plans to write, or helps him network and bring in more business - but it doesn't.
You are both guilty. You have allowed him to spend every single day with you and to do everything together, and that would be fine if you were happy with the arrangement.
You should tell your parents that you're fine, otherwise, they would be concerned about you.
Gently remind yourself that life is okay the way it is, right now. In the absence of your judgment, everything would be fine.
The manufacturing is set up so that if anybody wanted to make 100, 000, they could do that, and the quality of the resulting molecules would be just fine.
Sharing your unique content is something that would be hard to do if you had your SEO hat on, but in the social world, its fine.
If on the other hand, you already made your decisions and signed on the dotted line in April, this full moon would be a fine time to see the final implementation of that decision or commitment.
The best application would be one that utilizes a database back end; a relatively simple database containing one table would be fine.
That sounds fine in theory, but if recipients were serious about it they would be expected to be saying no to offers of aid that don’t fit in with their plans.
It would almost be true to say that there existed for jean Valjean neither sun, nor fine summer days, nor radiant sky, nor fresh April dawns.
The first person who did me a favor made the impression that I was in an urgency. Other people followed his behavior to make sure I would be fine.
So we just do want to put a little question mark in the margin and then say, Well, fine. Granted this is all representation, where is the text where could the text be that would be natural?
I anticipated that I would be served up with fine thoughts that had been kept bottled up for years.
This month the company admitted that there would be a shortfall in promised deliveries, earning a fine of $90m from the electricity regulator.
I know my family would be fine - my friends and other people important to me would make certain of that.
This morning the headmaster reminded us that the sports meeting would be put off if it weren't fine.
That suits most incumbents just fine. While they would be happy in principle to see their party's ranks swell, they are seldom willing to help by allowing their own seats to become less secure.
But the doctors made it very clear that there would be no problem with me having baby it just maybe a little more difficult and by the time I do want to have children I think things would be fine.
Mountains on either side of us and water at our shoulders gave a warm, safe feeling that everything else that day would be just fine.
As we talked I assured him again that everything would be fine, his suit looked smart, etc.
As we talked I assured him again that everything would be fine, his suit looked smart, etc.