I was in a hurry, irritated from a day at work and in no mood to be driving to the family home for a dinner that would no doubt involve an argument with my younger brother over soccer results.
It's not abnormal: the SAX parser is very low level, so the application has to take over a lot of the work that a DOM parser would do.
Doctors told me that I would never walk again, but I didn't listen to them. I listened to my heart. It has taken me over a decade of very challenging and exhausting work but it was well worth it!
The more frequently a particular work was discussed, the more likely that critics and historians would reach an informal agreement over what to call the piece.
Chatting over dim sum, the two had an idea about building a web and mobile product that would give people useful and practical information to work out and be healthy.
If I worked during this experience, I would be taking time away from my family and sending them the message that work takes priority over them.
The worry is that when Banks leave London, the professional services firms who work with them would follow over time.
Should Santa sleep longer in the run up to the festive period to counter balance the lack of sleep he gets over the Christmas period? Would that work?
Each morning she would arrange her tools carefully, her chisel, her hammer, her mallet, her tape measure, her plumb line, and then she would look over the stones that she had to work with that day.
If you say that the previous stage is a cross painted vertical wipe "enjoy the fun of painting," then would now have to work harder in the next over the pages.
We asked a number of artists that we have kept in contact with over the years to submit work. We also wanted an exhibition that would represent the many strands that is Irish visual art.
She does not need to run, to wish that the work would be over for her to be free.
I've developed over time a simple rule, which is that I will only hire someone to work directly for me if I would work for that person.
The right would give publishers greater control over secondary use of their work that generates revenue.
He or she would take a job that pays less than 2000 yuan a month, live in a Shared 350 yuan apartment and spend over two hours a day traveling to and from work.
She explained the order of the materials over the phone and in the end I managed to prevent a mistake that would have cost hours of work and a delay in the mailing -not to mention a few headaches.
But the previous restorers did not anticipate that the dried salt left on the walls from the fire would migrate to the paintings over the years, creating a white, grainy crust over the work.
But the previous restorers did not anticipate that the dried salt left on the walls from the fire would migrate to the paintings over the years, creating a white, grainy crust over the work.