I like to pretend that you belong to me, just to play with the idea, but of course I know you don't.
But I do not value my good looks; I only like to have them because they belong to you, my dear, and that there may be at least one thing about me worth your having.
I have ever thought that you were a kite and that as long as I held the string tightly, no matter where you flew, you would still belong to me.
Elliot Carver:Good Morning, Mr. Bond. Elliot Carver. I believe you have two things that belong to me!
Remember that there is no condemnation for those who belong to Me. You have been judged NOT GUILTY for all eternity.
Believe in yourself, failure doesn't belong to me, road relaxed, forward walk, that end will be waiting for you.
Stars twinkling in the sky, but you belong to me only a star, I will always accompany you to me look a heart that belongs to you my star.
Stars twinkling in the sky, but you belong to me only a star, I will always accompany you to me look a heart that belongs to you my star.