But when it comes to getting ahead, experts say, the ABCs of business should include a P, for politics, as in office politics.
Do you know the ABCs of programming?
That’s not alignment; that’s the ABCs of doing what people want and need.
Here we discuss the ABCs of digital video file, introduce several digital video encoding methods and standards.
The students were split into two teams and each practiced giving an "ABC" speech: giving a clear speech using the ABCs as the material of the talk.
These individuals have been in the industry for so long, usually working on a very specific project, that the ABCs of the business have slipped their mind.
My successor will need one other particular strength: the ability to fight off the ABCs of business decay, which are arrogance, bureaucracy and complacency.
There, Net neophytes can select from thousands of hardback and softcover Internet-related publications, such as The ABCs of the Internet, Zen and the Art of the Internet, or Internet for Dummies.
"Will you teach me the parrot's ABCs first?" he asked.
“你能先教我鹦鹉的 ABC 吗?”他问。
But some of the effects of things like ABCs tend to be regional.
Within the collections module, you can use several ABCs to test whether a class provides a specific interface.
The next installment in this series will cover more advanced topics, such as metaclass syntax, ABCs, decorators, integer literal support, base types, and exceptions.
本系列的下一期文章将会涵盖更高级的主题,比如元类语法、a BC、修饰符、integerliteral支持、基类型和异常。
The first rhyme she learned was:“Now I know my ABCs, won’t you come and sing with me?”
Conclusion: FN enhances the proliferation of ABCs, but has limited effects on cell differentiation. Therefore other growth factors are needed to act in concert to promote tissue regeneration.
Conclusion: FN enhances the proliferation of ABCs, but has limited effects on cell differentiation. Therefore other growth factors are needed to act in concert to promote tissue regeneration.