This, of all the items listed above, is the biggest reason I might go with an Android device instead of the iPhone.
In our earlier articles, we explained and implemented many of the key items listed above, and chose to use SIBus in WebSphere Application Server V6 as the underlying platform.
Truth be told, I miss each of the above items, more or less in the order listed.
By signing, the transporter acknowledges that the items listed above have been received for transportation.
All the items listed above lead to our competitive advantage in domestic and foreign market beyond comparison.
I have read it carefully, and by signing, I agree to be bound by every term and condition, including the items listed above (1-11).
本人已经仔细阅读,现签字标明本人同意受到上述列明(1 - 11)各项条件和条款的约束。
This Agreement is a legally binding contractual agreement and I agree to be bound by every term and condition, including the items listed above in this Application.
I have read the Client Agreement carefully, and by signing, I agree to be bound by every term and condition, including the items listed above.
I have read the Client Agreement carefully, and by signing, I agree to be bound by every term and condition, including the items listed above.