The influence of attribution training to the achievement motivation, studying motivation and the grades.
The correlation analysis shows that there is no significant relationship between the achievement motivation and PI.
The achievement motivation is an important social motivation. It has great impetuses to peoples working and studying.
Carry on the regression analysis, find there is relevant relations between on the achievement motivation and attribution of the primary level leader.
This study aimed at verify that the achievement motivation and gender can predict the tendency of the risk decision-making, more important to explore the moderator effects of the emotion.
As one of the social-cognitive model interpreted the achievement motivation behavior, the achievement goal theory was most widely studies among the psychological researches both at home and abroad.
The achievement motivation and the drive of seeking success had negative correlation with the fear of success, and the motivation of avoiding failure had positive correlation with the fear of success.
But behind every achievement exists the motivation which is at the foundation of it and which in turn is strengthened and nourished by the accomplishment of the undertaking.
The internal motivation is further divided into interest, sense of achievement, responsibility, opportunity for advance, and self-perfection.
The study of achievement goal is the frontier of achievement motivation study, and it's incorporate of social cognition study in the study of achievement motivation.
By contrast, a lot of people choose to take a rest to enjoy their small success and thus lose the motivation for further achievement.
Achievement motivation is an important component of the dynamic system of mental activities and the most direct factor which stimulates individuals' achievement behavior.
Achievement goal orientations is the leading subject of study in achievement motivation, and it is the extension of the study in goal setting.
Objective: To explore the relationship between undergraduates' achievement motivation, emotion and behavior problem.
Gender differences in learning achievement motivation among the university students of physical education in Inner Mongolia were researched by means of questionnaires.
Combining the final Exam score, it analyzes the relevance of English study motivation and attitude to study achievement.
The different dimentionalities in achievement goals had different effects on autonomic motivation in primary schools.
The theory of achievement researches the internal relation with motivation from the point of view of cognition.
The result shows there is serious phenomenon of degraded achievement motivation among high-level players, and also achievement motivation has close connection to cultural level.
Objective To study the relationship between family environment factors and achievement motivation in the college students.
This research mainly carry on the measurement of achievement motivation and the attribution of 411 primary level leader in Wuxi, Shizuishan and Lingshi.
Objective To study the relationship of achievement motivation and anxiety level of contemporary college students in Guangzhou.
The initial motivation of combination by exchange of stocks between enterprises includes three sectors: searching for profit, competitive pressures and achievement of entrepreneur.
Achievement motivation is the motivation pursuing success under the circumstances of winning standard.
With 120 CUBA players as the subjects of study, and achievement motivation Scale (AMS) as analytic tool, this paper researched into the players' achievement motivation level.
Achievement goals theory is the advance subject of achievement motivation and the extension of the study on goal setting.
Achievement goal orientation is one's knowledge of the reason and the goal for behavior, and different achievement goal orientations lead to different cognition, feeling and motivation.
The idea about intelligence, success, failure in master goals and the idea about evaluation, failure in achievement goals, and age has notable effects on autonomic motivation.
The idea about intelligence, success, failure in master goals and the idea about evaluation, failure in achievement goals, and age has notable effects on autonomic motivation.