The proportion of the low age groups of Chinese carps increased and the advanced age group decreased;
Objective To study safety of hip joint replacement on the femoral neck fractures in the advanced age to enhance life quality.
Normal person generally and healthily, don't tangibly understand the behavior condition of the advanced age or the body activity inconvenient;
The method analyzes through 39 example cases, elaborated that adopts the comparison being suitable surgery way in view of the advanced age patient.
Conclusions the surgical operation treatment is still a first-selected way in curing the advanced age esophagus cancer. Place a shell into the esophagus and cure by chemotherapy is the sence.
Technologically, they were among the most advanced inventions of their age.
And scientists have learned from advanced imaging how very plastic and adaptable the brain is from about the age of 3 through adolescence.
But even as the baby boomers age, the population of working and young people is also expected to keep rising, in contrast to most other advanced nations.
Theirs was essentially a Stone Age civilisation, and yet one that developed the most advanced astronomy and mathematics.
Let me set down here part of what I wrote in a letter, at a more advanced age, about the Morning Songs.
School-age children are anxious to do the right thing so they may need some advanced lessons in table manners.
That statement was designed to prime the participants' worry that their advanced age would affect their performance.
But the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation disagrees that 50 years is an advanced age for a dam.
It was suggested to the Committee that an age-dependent risk of intussusception might also apply to the 2 novel rotavirus vaccines that are currently in advanced development.
In nonsmokers, creases around the mouth, or "perioral rhytids, " usually arrive with advanced age.
He left high school at the ripe old age of eight and has been attending college-level advanced astrophysics classes ever since.
The advanced techniques of the information age have spared us all those troubles.
People still value artists in the age of advanced science and technology. What are the reasons? Are arts as important as science and technology?
The Klatooinians greatly revere age and experience, for it is the mark of true strength to survive to an advanced age in so hostile a climate.
Early puberty is often associated with advanced skeletal age, meaning that a 6 year old girl might have the bone structure of an 8 or 9 year old.
Nowadays, designing has gone to the new age of advanced technology that utilizes computers and programming.
Does that mean that those who are advanced in age are perhaps more susceptible to the diseases that may come with less mitochondria?
By the age of 15, he had taught himself advanced maths.
In the network information age increasingly advanced social, various publicity channels, like gridlocked expressway is same.
To Learn the advanced R&D management is a important way to enhance the technology innovation capability of our enterprises in information age.
To Learn the advanced R&D management is a important way to enhance the technology innovation capability of our enterprises in information age.