They took on a life of their own and they inspired the medieval imagination, spurred on the age of discovery in the 15th and 16th centuries.
The Age of Discovery as the topic for Age of Empires III: I strongly supported this topic for several reasons.
Aptly titled "the Age of Discovery," the exposition was held near the monastery where Columbus reportedly planned his epic journey 500 years earlier.
In 2002, on the tenth anniversary of the discovery, the Dover Bronze-Age Boat Trust hosted a conference, where this meeting of different traditions became apparent.
A surprising discovery suggests our mental faculties have not yet been fully tapped by the age of 30.
In the news release, the linguists described their discovery as bittersweet: of the approximately 800 people who speak Koro, few are under the age of 20, meaning the language is endangered.
The reason is the discovery, in 2004, of some peculiar seashells of that age in Blombos, a seaside cave in South Africa.
The proportion of existing mines in flabby middle-age is growing as the rate of discovery of new tier-one assets has slowed over recent years.
For the architects of Athens' Golden Age, the mastery of geometry was a magical discovery that revealed the glories of nature.
The discovery of such a large animal is startling, making paleontologists wonder how much we still don't know about the ecosystem during the "Age of Dinosaurs."
But in the Digital Age, Plentitube founders Jon Labes and Talia Pulver believe the future of talent discovery will happen increasingly in online venues like the one they are building.
At that time, we were at the beginning of the age of [space] automation, discovery and research.
The discovery of a biological gatekeeper that prevents genetic code from fraying with age has won a trio of American scientists this year's Nobel prize for medicine.
Human fossils, particularly of such an age as this, are rare in the extreme-so rare that each new discovery has a tendency to rewrite the history books.
So far the molecular mechanisms that link low birth weight to health or disease in old age had remained elusive, but this discovery has revealed one of the molecular pathways involved.
Clearly, we are in the age of abundance - and the problem of the future is going to be one of choice - of enabling discovery.
Only during the Silver Age of the Great Geographical Discovery did Oceania appear to the eyes of the Europeans.
The greatest discovery of our age has been that we, by changing the inner aspects of our thinking, can change the outer aspects of our lives. –William James.
The discovery of these large vertebrate fossils has great significance for the redefinition of the stratigraphic age and regional stratigraphic division and correlation of the area.
The discovery of young and intermediate-age globular clusters opens up a whole new way to study how globulars form.
年轻及中年球状 星团的发现,为球状 星团的形成开启了新的研究道路。
Scientists are typically getting older and the probability of making a discovery before age 30 has gone way down.
This article discusses the relevant issues of Large-sized socketed spade coin, such as the situation of discovery, as well as the area and age of casting.
Owing to its distinct attribute property and old age, this discovery may have epoch—making significance on the study of the evolution of early Metazoa.
The discovery could add to evidence that Troy's lower area was bigger in the late Bronze Age than previously thought, changing scholars' perceptions about the city of the "Iliad."
Medical discovery has concluded that a brain is under development until the age of 25 – this news put me on sweet probation, after all.
Medical discovery has concluded that a brain is under development until the age of 25 – this news put me on sweet probation, after all.