At the age of knowledge economy, knowledge becomes a important strategic resource.
In the age of knowledge economy, all the economic actions depend on the existence of knowledge.
The management of human resources is the core of enterprise management in the age of knowledge economy.
With the coming of the age of knowledge economy and people's need for information, knowledge is increasing.
The advent of the age of knowledge economy has changed the traditional value chain and capital composition.
In the age of knowledge economy, knowledge already became the origin of the enterprise's competitive advantage.
In the age of knowledge economy, network document resources will become an important part of library collections.
Facing the age of knowledge economy, Chinese assets valuation industry urgently needs to perfect valuation approach.
In the age of knowledge economy, the manpower capital has been the most active factor of development for enterprises.
In the age of knowledge economy, human resources management is largely different from the traditional personnel management.
In the age of knowledge economy, human resources management has become an important part of operational strategy of enterprises.
In the age of knowledge economy, the essential character of high-quality talents is their innovative spirit and creative capability.
In the age of knowledge economy, they mainly make use of individual media, of which Internet becomes the most efficient and flexible.
In the age of knowledge economy, the journals of higher institutions are facing austere challenges as well as unprecedented opportunities.
In the age of knowledge economy, knowledge management has become an important means in enhancing the competition power of an organization.
In the age of knowledge economy, intensified competition and complex work that faced by enterprises make the team working style a favor for them.
At the age of knowledge economy, strategic leadership has been applied in more and more organizations to deal with the fast changing environment.
In the age of knowledge economy, there are three key capitals: credit capital, physical capital and manpower capital that are relate to economical growth of an area.
In the age of knowledge economy, intellectual capital has been the most important strategic capital of a corporation, and flow and increment are important features of it.
It analyzes the current situation of entrepreneurs in our country, and points out that to cultivate and set up entrepreneurs' market is necessary in the age of knowledge economy.
In the age of knowledge economy, intelligence is the first competitive factor for the enterprise and the management of personnel resource in the enterprises is getting more and more important.
Education is playing an increasingly important role in the age of Knowledge economy and has become an industry. So the statistics of educational economy will become the focus of statistical research.
In the knowledge-based economy age with human resource and knowledge capital at the core, the human capital has become the headspring of human wealth increase and economic progress.
In the knowledge economy age, universities regarded as a 'knowledge factory' need to strengthen knowledge management to rise the efficiency of knowledge management.
It is universally acknowledged that the twenty-first century is the Age of the knowledge Economy.
In the age of new economy, the economy operation mode is mainly knowledge, intelligence capital and the information technique, not material resources like traditional economy.
At the knowledge economy age, knowledge management and the operation of knowledge capital have become a new pattern of enterprise management.
At the knowledge economy age, knowledge management and the operation of knowledge capital have become a new pattern of enterprise management.