It is more than 3, 000 million million miles away and the temperature is estimated at 2, 400f, making it an unlikely home for alien life.
But there is still a reluctance in the media to talk about UFOs or the alien presence, as can be seen from the 3 month delay in reporting about a very dramatic UFO over Jerusalem.
但媒体关于谈论ufo或是外星人的存在仍然存在阻塞,这在耶路撒冷非常引人注目的U FO目击事件上3个月的报道延迟上可以看出。
Most of the commands shown in Listing 3 probably seem alien, but that's OK — you're just getting started in your race to learn about Apache Derby.
3: the Greys: Exploring the "Greys," alleged alien beings with gray skin, enlarged heads and large eyes.
The H-3 classification also applies to an alien coming temporarily to participate in a special education training program in the education of children with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities.
However for the purpose of Chapter 3 withholding you may still be treated as a nonresident alien.
However for the purpose of Chapter 3 withholding you may still be treated as a nonresident alien.