The All-China Women's Federation used to identify men above 30 as "leftover" and women above 27.
In a 2011 national survey conducted by the All-China women's Federation, one in 10 women have encountered gender discrimination in the job market, with female graduates affected the most.
China and the UK are signatories to CEDAW (Convention to Eliminate All Discrimination Against Women) and but we still have a long way to go to ultimately achieve this goal.
To Ambassador Jon Huntsman and Consul General Bea Camp, and all the men and women of the U.S. Mission in China, we thank you.
"Eifini" is the name of boutique which sells women clothes and they runs about 180 shops in all China. This time we designed its branch shop in Chengdu.
China was one of the first signatories to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and has submitted timely reports on its implementation in China as required.
Women leave the village, as they do in other villages all over China, to head to the city for work.
I hope that I've had the opportunity to inspire young women all over China to believe in themselves, to set their goals high and pursue them with vengeance and self-belief.
After careful checks had been carried out, the women were allowed into China but they were all advised to renew their passports immediately.
The rising cost of education for children is the biggest difficulty in a family, according to 46.6% of respondents in a survey by All-China Women Federation.
Each of them knows that he can not take to the skies, not just a personal thing, but all women represent the image of new China.
Each of them knows that he can not take to the skies, not just a personal thing, but all women represent the image of new China.