In the alternative method, you can assign a new Content Area for all of the tags.
The alternative method is simple and easy to understand, and it's computation index has very evident meaning.
Lists have some other interesting properties to them, such as alternative ways to construct a list, using the: : method. Yes, method.
The conventional method involves boiling and then distilling water. An alternative works by reverse osmosis, in which water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane.
The MTK command line interface (CLI) offers an alternative to the graphical user interface (GUI) method of invoking MTK.
This article presents an alternative method that involves fetching both the online and Optim-archived data from their native repositories and combining them using a mashup.
本文将介绍一种替代方法,可以同时获取在线数据和本机存储库中的 Optim归档数据,并使用mashup 将它们组合起来。
Costas Malamas has provided an alternative parsing method that USES the expat parser and stream-oriented techniques.
Costas Malamas提供了一种替代语法分析方法,这种方法使用expat语法分析器和面向流技术。
Recommendation: We used Rational Performance Tester's Custom Code feature to create an alternative to the data pool method that wouldn't force all data to be loaded at once.
推荐:我们使用RationalPerformance Tester的定制代码特性,为数据池方法创建另一个选择,不强制一次性加载所有数据。
The first thing I've done inside the run method is to create two instances of the Alternative class, each with a different array of Guards objects.
The method select() of the Alternative class corresponds to an arbitrary selection strategy.
A much easier alternative to this manual method of installation is to use the easy_install method (see Installing cmislib with easy_install).
Nesting the two object implementations is a good alternative to the twice-cooked method, because it add standards compliance and supports alternative content.
The select method call blocks until one or more guards are ready (remember that all contending guards are known to the Alternative class).
Productivity takes a hit because of the intervention of management at every point in the workflow, but this is acceptable when one considers the risk inherent in the alternative luck method.
I'll discuss this method in the section Alternative ways of collecting catalog statistics.
Using the template method for implementing the bridge role of the broker pattern provided a mechanism for adding alternative types of external communication in the future.
Because earlier versions of the DB2 LUW did not have global variable support, MTK had to support it using an alternative method.
由于早期版本的DB 2LUW没有全局变量支持,MT K必须使用一种替代方法来支持它。
An alternative is a data storage method called a linked list, in which each piece of data includes a "pointer" that indicates the location of the next piece.
Siluria Technologies, is pursuing an alternative method of converting natural gas to an oil substitute that would also involve releasing less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
An alternative approach exists that will let the custom administrative client add multiple notification listeners by invoking the method just once.
An alternative to the syngas method is to break the cellulose and hemicellulose up into their component "monomer" molecules.
We accept leaked material in person and via postal drops as alternative methods, although we recommend the anonymous electronic drop box as the preferred method of submitting any material.
The twice-cooked method is redundant, makes your web pages invalid, and doesn't include a mechanism for inserting alternative content.
This function is difficult to simulate with the keyboard, so it should be implemented using an alternative method.
In some situations when the ranking difference between alternative decisions is too narrow a good strategy is to refine the scenarios into sub-scenarios and re-apply the method.
An alternative open method provides finer control over the channel, allowing file attributes to be set.
The Render method of the Web service is a good alternative when you want more control, for operations such as displaying the results in a picture box or saving the file directly to disk.
An alternative method to accomplish the same result would test whether the current item in the tuple is even (using if not num % 2:) and, if true, would add the current item to the running total.
实现相同结果的另一种方法是测试tuple中的当前项是否是偶数(使用ifnot num %2:),如果为真,那么将当前项添加到运行总和中。
An alternative method to accomplish the same result would test whether the current item in the tuple is even (using if not num % 2:) and, if true, would add the current item to the running total.
实现相同结果的另一种方法是测试tuple中的当前项是否是偶数(使用ifnot num %2:),如果为真,那么将当前项添加到运行总和中。