The official at the American embassy asked me for two references.
He works at the American Embassy in Moscow.
She works at the American Embassy in Moscow.
I am applying to the American embassy for studying.
If it doesn't show up, we'll have to go to the American Embassy.
He contacted a pastor to arrange a surrender at the American embassy.
The targetsallegedly included the London Stock Exchange and the American embassy.
The American Embassy warned the Owenses not to enter Zambia until the controversy was resolved.
Ambassador Locke: Good evening and welcome to the American Embassy as we observe this solemn occasion.
Instead they opted for bacon, which is imported and sold at a supermarket inside the American embassy compound.
ABOUT 30 yards from a machine-gun-toting policeman guarding the American embassy in London stands a smart town house.
Yet any moral superiority New Yorkers may feel should be tempered by the behaviour of the American embassy in London.
Four years later the Iraq Study Group revealed that the American embassy in Iraq employs only six fluent Arab speakers.
Ever since the bombing of the American embassy in Beirut in 1983, security has been the overarching concern when designing new embassies.
When Jackie was seven years old, his father went to Australia and worked as chief cook in the American Embassy there to earn more money.
So let's look at the cost of the first scenario, which is where the magician must obtain a visa from the American embassy to travel to the USA.
The American embassy said the result was "inconsistent" with observations of the election and called on the council to respect the people's will.
He participated in events such as the opening of the American Embassy in the 15 Ivory Coast in 1971, where the street was renamed in his honour.
"He was the only leader I ever knew," Graciela Martinez, 51, said as she mopped the floors of a cafe near the American Embassy on Saturday morning.
“他是我唯一知道的领导人,”51岁的格拉·谢拉·马丁内斯(Graciela Martinez)周六早晨在美国大使馆附近的一家咖啡馆里一边擦地板一边说。
S. embassy in Beijing, including the American embassy, is usually small agent stood, can receive the capital city with the shortwave communication antenna.
The American embassy said the result was "inconsistent" with observations of the election and called on the council to respect the people's will. See article.
On 8 Jan. 2003, Vice-president Zhang Aihua and Bian Zhenhu of CFNA, met with Agricultural Counselor with the rank of minister of the American Embassy in China.
That is apparent to visitors at the American Embassy in Sana, who have noticed that it is increasingly crowded with military personnel and intelligence operatives.
And then a bureaucratic decision made thousands of miles away-in the American embassy in Paris, in fact-threatened to close down Colebrook's much-loved French bakery.
接着,一个来自数千里之外——实际上就是美国驻巴黎大使馆——的官方决定,又可能导致深受科尔布鲁克市民喜爱的法国面包店le Rendez - Vous的关闭。
Leaked cables from the American embassy report that a senior Mexican official cautioned that the fight would be hard to continue unless results were seen within 18 months.
When he came secretly to Paris to meet the Chinese ambassador, Huang Zhen, Kissinger was made to stay with Walters, the military attache of the American Embassy in Paris.
Invited to America for academic exchange by Queens Museum of Art, but failed to go because of being suspected as having migration motive by the American Embassy in China.
Invited to America for academic exchange by Queens Museum of Art, but failed to go because of being suspected as having migration motive by the American Embassy in China.