This threatens the idea of the equal right to justice, says Rebecca Love Kourlis of the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System.
But in one arena, at least, it is becoming clear that Chinese companies face unexpected hurdles of their own when they go to the U. S. : the American legal system.
The European market remains much more fragmented than the American one: entrepreneurs have to grapple with a patchwork of legal codes and an expensive and time-consuming patent system.
The system of presumption is well-developed in both Anglo-American genealogy of law and continental genealogy of law, which devote much attention to not only legislation but also legal theory.
On the world history, the American race once created a brilliant legal system in connection with the race personality of the United States.
The Business Judgment Rule is a corporate legal system set up in the American case law.
The specific and subjective burden of proof in the continental legal system corresponds to the burden of production in the Anglo-American legal system partly.
Summary judgment is an important form of summary procedure of civil proceedings in the countries of Anglo-American legal system.
We may analyze the character of our collective ownership of country lands through referring to correlative systems about Continental and Anglo-American legal system.
Theory of the civil law that belongs to the continental legal system has also had a great effect on Anglo-American legal system.
And Anglo-American legal system is different is that our main evidence includes not only the parties, but also evidence the court acts.
In the countries of Anglo-American Law System, the trustee has the legal title of the trust property, while the beneficiary has the equitable title of it.
Abstract : While the continental system admits the nonliquet status in fact-finding and emphasizes its process of legal application, its Anglo-American counterpart takes the other way.
Full understanding of the American legal procedure will require our constant attention to the existence of the adversary system as well as critical analysis of its shortcomings.
In today's world, the crime systems in the Continent Legal system which are represented by Germany's and Japan's law and in the Anglo-American Legal system both have significant influence.
In today's world, the crime systems in the Continent Legal system which are represented by Germany's and Japan's law and in the Anglo-American Legal system both have significant influence.