From the point of view of evolution, men originated millions of years ago from the anthropoid, a species commonly referred to as the ape man.
And here's the one I suggest: a hairy ape man with a thick brow sits crouched, working a tiny hole into a small shell.
Then the author makes a deductive broad jump to the idea that radiation produces creatures "as far beyond us as we are beyond the ape-man."
The transition from ape to man was realized through labor.
The 47 million-year-old fossil is the missing link between man and ape as the creature had opposable thumbs, and fingernails.
Early man shows certain affinities with the ape.
It marks the transition from ape to man the end.
But unlike man, the ape has opposable thumbs on its feet as well as on its hands.
Once were ye apes, and even yet man is more of an ape than any of the apes.
The body of an ape is like the human body in many ways. For this reason, apes are sometimes called "man-like" apes.
MONKEYS may be able to think abstractly, according to the first study to suggest that a creature that is neither ape nor man can possess a central aspect of human intelligence.
Evolution from ape to man runs a very long course, but is mankind teen-ager, or the entrance into old age today? And how will be the fate of human future?
Oh, but I wish he did not know too much when the ape-man said the ancient language, so I am determined to learn some English.
For all the ape fossils, stoneware, and fossil of mammals unearthed at the Peking Man Site, other sites of the same age are not its match regarding quantity and miscellany of "fire" remains.
Any understanding of history knows that the ape-man to people change, labor played a decisive role.
On the other hand, he had learned that man has evolved from the ape and he had great interest in studying the evolution of man.
What differentiates man from the ape ?
使人与猿有所区别的是什么(特征) ?。
Thus we can infer that Nihewan ape-man may either rest under the bare cliff of the Gorge Area or be buried in the marsh country or deep in the lake bed, or in the accumulation layer of the cavern.
Taking early ruins of the old Stone Age in Donggutuo as axis and taking 10-25 km as radius, we can confirm the action range of Nihewan ape-man.
以东谷坨旧石器早期遗址群为轴点,以10 - 25公里为半径,可以确定泥河湾古人类活动的范围。
Therefore, the emergence of marriage institution indicated that the evolution process from ape to man is ended.
Shape between the small village between the modern and the ape-man, their shovel-shaped incisors with features similar to those of modern Mongolians.
And a provocative exhibition in Paris which tries to unpick the myth about the world's most famous ape man.
The ape, intent on feeding, only then saw the African, started rapidly down, and as he passed the man, hit out at him, slashing away half his cheek and one eye as he did so.
There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a French man.
Samuel Pepys wrote in his diary that the ape, " … is so much like a man in most things, I do believe it understands English and I am of the mind that it might be taught to speak and make signs."
萨穆埃尔·皮普斯(Samuel Pepys)曾在自己的日记中这样写道,“它在很多方面与人类都非常相似,我甚至觉得它听得懂英语,我想它应该能学会说话和打手势。”
The Role of Trust in the Evolution from Ape to Man lacks some academic standards of interdisciplinary study.
The Role of Trust in the Evolution from Ape to Man lacks some academic standards of interdisciplinary study.