The Arctic sea ice holds a central position in the Earth's climate system and it's deteriorating faster than expected.
The Arctic sea ice extent averaged for July was the second lowest in the satellite record, after 2007.
By the end of summer, the Arctic sea ice has retreated, leaving the walrus herd to search for a safe haven on land.
The animals were forced to swim to shore after the Arctic Sea ice they usually live on disappeared from the Chukchi Sea.
It is shown that the Arctic sea ice strong signal region is highly correlated with the summer precipitation of North China.
The Arctic sea ice is shrinking so fast that within the next few decades, if not years, it could be completely gone in summertime.
In this paper, sotne results of the study about the variation of the arctic sea ice cover and tcleconnection patterns are synthesized.
75% of the Arctic sea ice has disappeared in the past thirty years, and scientists say the North Pole could be ice-free as soon as next year.
The explorer Pen Hadow and his team have had to delay the departure of their mission across the Arctic sea ice because of minor equipment problems.
由于设备出了些小问题,探险家潘·哈多(PenHadow )和他的探险队不得不推迟北极考察任务的出发日期。
New research has revealed that melt-water pooling on the Arctic sea ice is causing it to melt at a faster rate than computer models had previously predicted.
It is evident positive relative between the Arctic sea ice and the polar vortex area, yet the relation between the polar vortex area and intensity is so complex.
The aim for researching the Arctic sea ice is that the terminal output of this dynamical system will best approximate the corresponding values of the measured points.
Due to the trend of decrease of the Arctic sea ice, the role of depletion of mercury in the atmosphere influences on the Arctic ecosystem should be received broad attention.
由于北极海冰减少变薄趋势还在持续 ,因此 ,北极大气中汞亏损引起的沉降通量增加对生态圈的影响应该引起广泛重视。
The Arctic sea ice extent averaged for July was the second lowest in the satellite record, after 2007, to the latest figures from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).
The IPCC's computer models had simulated an average loss of 2.5% in sea ice extent per decade from 1953 to 2006. But in reality the Arctic sea ice had declined at a rate of about 7.8% per decade.
Indeed, sea ice cover in the Arctic is melting faster than expected.
Without those masses of cooling sea ice, warm air brought to the Arctic can penetrate further inland than it ever did before.
Indeed, sea-ice cover in the Arctic is melting faster than expected.
The sea ice loss and the Arctic ice melting (融化) caused by climate change have increased much in the last ten years.
The trend also helped to melt Arctic sea ice cover to a record low for December last month, the WMO said in a statement.
What looks like an unseemly dash to claim great chunks of the arctic-the sea, the ice, and whatever lies underneath-is precisely that.
They are measuring the sea ice in the Greenland Sea, Fram Strait and Arctic Ocean.
He also argued that much remains unknown about the interaction between Arctic sea ice, sea level, and temperature rise.
As a result, sea ice extent for the Arctic actually peaked on March 31, 2010-the latest peak of wintertime Arctic sea ice extent in the satellite record.
Unlike the Arctic, where much of the sea ice is - at least for now - year-round, the Southern Ocean's sea ice is thin and seasonal.
Unlike the Arctic, where much of the sea ice is - at least for now - year-round, the Southern Ocean's sea ice is thin and seasonal.