The assassin was adjudged an extremist.
The Assassin is Nie's coming-of-age story.
The image of the assassin Yu Rang was always ignored.
The assassin at the safe house asked for her whereabouts.
A broad alliance of the clergy rushed out a statement lionising the assassin.
He warns them about the assassin, Martin Belkin, but they still do not trust him.
The Big Mamba, The Assassin has his opportunity at a ring so close he can taste it.
The assassin Jonathan arrives for the Palmer breakfast at the San Clarita power plant.
The king needed the assassin dead, for death of the man would be a catharsis for him.
Everyone in the Assassin is the same, as if they're all part of an unrecoverable past.
Set in China during the Tang dynasty, "the Assassin" is as elegant as the time period.
It is no accident that the assassin is a former Guardian. Naturally you would suspect me.
With a strangled cry, the assassin dropped from the tree and hit the ground. He began to run.
This isn't the kind of film you watch. The Assassin is the kind you gaze at and slowly digest.
But when someone else is shot, Lightman exposes long-held family secrets and lies to identify the assassin.
More than that, female labor was, the AFL newspaper wrote, "the knife of the assassin, aimed at the family circle."
More than that, female labor was, the AFL newspaper wrote, “the knife of the assassin, aimed at the family circle.”
The assassin had doubled back. After tracking him for a kilometer, Obi-Wan suspected that he was heading back toward the village.
During the Swarm war, Ben unknowingly befriended the assassin bugs of the Gorog hive, unaware that he was putting his family in danger.
Next, this article discusses the tools of the assassin and the people at that time especially ministers how to guard against assassins.
So he wrote biology for the lower social-class people in ancient China, such as the assassin the paladin the doctor and the businessman.
As Marjorie drove onto the street, with her father at her side, the car with the assassin raced up behind them, followed by the driver on the motorcycle.
Researchers observed how spiders reacted to various visitors to their webs-like leaf fragments, courting males, prey like flies, and the assassin bugs.
Well, yes, Kaige Chen's 1999 film "The Emperor and the Assassin" covered the same situation, though it was twice as long and had a tenth of the action.
For example, both Farewell My Concubine and Forever Enthralled tell stories about Peking Opera, while the Emperor and the Assassin is based on historical events.
For example, both Farewell My Concubine and Forever Enthralled tell stories about Peking Opera, while the Emperor and the Assassin is based on historical events.