Media groups such as the Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times provide legal advice.
"He wrote to his parents that he's suffering and he can't go on," she told the Associated Press.
According to the Associated Press, the remaining members were absent or abstained from the vote.
"We have not been told anything by the league," Lakers spokesman John Black told the Associated Press.
"I didn't actually go ahead and ask for a trade," Iverson said in a statement to The Associated Press.
In an exclusive interview with the Associated Press, Karr also said he tried to contact the Ramsey family.
"You can't blame [the firefighters] if they have to do what the boss says to do," she told the Associated Press.
That's at least as large as the official estimate of the Exxon Valdez disaster "in Alaska, he told the Associated Press."
The games cost too much money, and they destroy the environment, Assemblywoman Yoshiko Fukushi told the Associated Press.
More than 100 members of Seattle Kung Fu Club greeted Hu as he stepped off his plane Tuesday, The Associated Press reported.
On Friday, the Associated Press reported that Yao had arrived back in his home country to consult with the nation's top experts.
The Associated Press-GFK poll shows the two almost even among likely voters, with Obama at 44% and McCain at 43% among voters surveyed.
"I think that Apple could have done a lot to have made it so people wouldn't speculate about Steve Jobs' health," he told the Associated Press.
"We are running a better business because our competitors cause us to raise our own game," Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke told The Associated Press in an interview.
Many oil-soaked beaches along Dalian's shoreline remain closed, though children and tourists have been seen frolicking on them, the Associated Press reported.
'There was dust everywhere, people screaming, people running,' David Conklin, a photographer covering the event for off-road magazines, told the Associated Press.
The German gave his surprise correspondent a new address to write to and promised to write back when he received his letter, the Associated Press news agency reports.
"I'm just very proud of him, " Romero's mother told The Associated Press by telephone just before he reached the peak, as she watched his progress online on a live GPS tracker.
That would make them older than the bowhead whale, which earlier was believed to have been the oldest vertebrate at about 211 years old, according to the Associated Press.
Participating clinics were promised anonymity, and seven major PGD programs contacted by the Associated Press all said they had never been asked to use the procedure for that purpose.
"They're seeing this kind of thing, the creativity here, and how we're actually drawing on sound companies and animators who come with a Hollywood background," Gates told the Associated Press.
A 50-mile stretch of the river carrying the benzene reached Harbin this morning, Shi Zhongxin, director of the city's water bureau, said on state television, according to the Associated Press.
The Associated Press, citing the Baja California state civil protection director, Alfredo Escobedo, said a multistory parking structure collapsed at the Mexicali city hall but no one was injured.
据Associated Press报道,下加利福尼亚州市 市政防灾主任阿尔弗雷多·艾斯科拜多(Alfredo Escobedo)说,麦西卡利市政厅的一座多层停车场坍塌,但没有人受伤。
The Associated Press reports the Environmental Protection Agency will collect air samples from the insides of households located downstream from where the spill occurred on the Yellowstone River.
The New Zealand earthquake caused road damage and wall collapses in parts of the city of 400,000, and authorities said looters had broken into some damaged shops, according to the Associated Press.
More often associated with lager louts than healthniks, kebabs do not get the best press.
If you press Ctrl-C in the shell or the script exits, the cleanup process is performed, which unloads the module and causes all associated utilities to exit.
如果在shell中按组合键ctrl - C或脚本退出,将执行清除进程,这将导致卸载模块并退出所有相关的实用程序。
Workers climbed over the remains of the World Trade Center complex in lower Manhattan, New York, on Sept. 28, 2001. Shawn Baldwin/Associated Press
Workers climbed over the remains of the World Trade Center complex in lower Manhattan, New York, on Sept. 28, 2001. Shawn Baldwin/Associated Press