According to the head of Moscow's health department, the city's daily death rate has doubled - up to 700 from the usual average of 360 to 380.
In 2003, the death rate in the area was reported to exceed the birth rate by 260 percent, and the average life expectancy was reported to be 42 years for men and 47 for women.
In 1980 the death rate for Brazilian men was below the rich-country average (300 compared with 500-600).
1980年,巴西人的心脏病致死率低于发达国家的平均水平(300人,相对于发达国家的500 - 600人)。
The researchers found that the long-term death rate from lung cancer rose by 8 per cent for every 10-microgram increase in the average concentration of PM2.5s per cubic meter.
Objective To evaluate the influence of pulmonary tuberculosis on the grade-uplifting rate, average uplifting time and the death rate of silicosis complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis.
According to the epidemiological study, incidence of cerebrovascular disease is about 140-200/100000 population, average death rate is 100/100000 population.
据流行病学调查得知,全世界范围内脑血管疾病的发病率为140-200/ 10万人口,其平均死亡率为100/10万人口。
According to the epidemiological study, incidence of cerebrovascular disease is about 140-200/100000 population, average death rate is 100/100000 population.
据流行病学调查得知,全世界范围内脑血管疾病的发病率为140-200/ 10万人口,其平均死亡率为100/10万人口。