Let us treasure every day in our life, because the beginning of a day will be the first day in our remaining life.
When the day begins, it comes with the rise of the sunrise, people like to watch the sunrise, because it is the beginning of a day.
At the very beginning, baby pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mum's milk for up to 14 hours a day.
Each day of Kwanzaa, usually before the evening meal, family and friends gather around the table and someone lights a candle, beginning with the black.
Greek people celebrate Labour Day on 1st May, and it is also a festival to celebrate the beginning of summer.
It doesn't feel like it - especially at the beginning of what seems like a long work day - but your time is limited.
On the same day, a person at the South Pole would also see the sun skim the horizon, beginning six months of uninterrupted daylight.
Today is the beginning of Day 31 of my polyphasic sleep experiment, so I’ve completed a full 30 days.
We meet at the beginning of a typical working day - 27 clients, 10 hours, seven consulting rooms.
ETFs also gained popularity because investors can trade them all day long, whereas a mutual fund can be liquidated only at the beginning and end of the trading day.
The media had a field day with the photo, and it marked the beginning of Miley's more grown-up image.
And on a more worldly note, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the "holiday season" that continues through New Year's day.
Started with only a score of books, the collection had grown through gift, bequest, purchase, and, in the Beginning, production from scribes who labored day and night.
Create a mantra that you will repeat at the beginning of each day, “what is important to me today?”.
Though Didion’s opening lines (the fourth of which is “The question of self-pity”) were jotted down a day or two after Dunne’s death, she waited eight months before beginning to write.
Make your loved one feel their best on their big day by choosing a gift that focuses on the beginning of his or her life, not the number of years that have passed.
On that day, the ten-year Treasury bond was yielding 4.83%, almost half a percentage point above its level at the beginning of December (see chart).
Let's say that at the beginning of the day you have a class called BusinessProcess whose job is to, well, execute a business process. Along the way, it needs to access data from a data source.
All the people in their dreams, only I, a standing in a deserted the balcony, waiting for the beginning of the busy day.
Today, school, and unfortunately not the traditional school day in September a pair of us, is no longer the beginning of the new semester, there is the meaning of it disappeared in memory.
From the morning to the evening, you ask yourself what exactly did a day? Perhaps second days more touches. Trust others and give yourself up. This is the beginning of a failure by many people.
Thus, in the sun as the beginning of the day, gently say goodbye, to an unknown world to find a fairly warm harbor.
We could not have asked for a more perfect day to celebrate the beginning of their life together, and we are so happy to welcome Marc into our family.
Few homes have a moment of thanksgiving at the beginning of the meal or at any other time of the day.
The horizon of a wisp of dawn, is the beginning of the day, comes the day prosperous; Friends, today is Christmas, wish you have a good mood.
The horizon of a wisp of dawn, is the beginning of the day, comes the day prosperous; Friends, today is Christmas, wish you have a good mood.