She was the best seller in the company and her boss gave her a special ten-day holiday.
Colleen Mccullough s novel The Thorn Bird has been the best seller for years.
A cranny plan as such kicked off the journey for American ginseng pill to rank the best seller.
They have many different types and quality wines and one series of wine is the best seller in Italy.
Moreover, Mo Yan's novels are put in the best seller bookshelf in the bookstores and some are even out of stock.
At present, the popular methodology of studying the best seller is to work out "best-seller list" and to analyze it.
Singer Susan Boyle has narrowly missed out on topping the best seller list of 2009 but has spent a sixth week on top of the us album chart.
The best seller is a sleek commode designed by a former Audi stylist, with a leather seat made by the people who supply BMW with motorcycle perches.
It's selling, it's the best seller in the US, it's the best seller in China, in India, it's the best seller in Africa, it's the best seller in Europe.
Kawen·Kaiser developed the perfume for several famous brands, which not only became the best seller in Europe then, and some brands continued to be popular among the consumers now.
He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller.
The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists.
Consider Laura Hillenbrand, who despite an extremely weak body wrote the best-seller Seabiscuit.
The three-tome work is one of the literary events of the decade and the first volume - already riding high in the US best-seller lists - will go on sale in Britain on Monday.
三大部头的编辑工作是这十年的文学活动之一,而它的第一册-已经高居美国畅销书排行榜– 并将于星期一,继续在英国销售。
More people are ordering books online or plucking them from the best-seller bin at Wal-Mart.
Heyerdahl's book about the adventure became an international best seller, the story of a man willing to risk his life to prove a point.
And he's not finished yet, he said — especially with the response he's gotten to his book, already topping best-seller lists in the UK and U.S..
And zombies have clawed their way to the top of book best-seller lists in the last decade with literature ranging from how-to survival manuals to reinterpretations of early Victorian fiction.
If you read Malcolm Gladwell's best-seller "the Tipping Point," you probably remember the importance of 150.
Written by Seth Grahame-Smith, who wrote the best-seller Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, it also stars Burton's partner Helena Bonham Carter as psychiatrist Dr Julia Hoffman.
The revelation could have come straight from the pages of Dan Brown’s best-seller The Da Vinci Code, in which the Mona Lisa is said to contain hidden clues about the Holy Grail.
The owner told us that the skirt was a best-seller and she only had the last one in her shop.
Reviving Ophelia, about self-esteem in young women, was on the best-seller list for three years.
The writer's new book turns out a best-seller as soon as it hits the market.
Betty Friedan's best-seller, The Feminine Mystique, detailed the "problem that has no name."
To draw up its questions, Somerville turned to a neighbor, Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard psychology professor who wrote the 2006 best seller "Stumbling on Happiness."
"I've always wanted to live above my means because it inspired me to work harder," says Robert Kiyosaki, author of the 1997 best seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
1997年的畅销书“穷爸爸、富爸爸”作者Robert Kiyosaki称:“我经常生活在我的实际水准之上,因为这样能够激励我更加努力的工作。”
"I've always wanted to live above my means because it inspired me to work harder," says Robert Kiyosaki, author of the 1997 best seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
1997年的畅销书“穷爸爸、富爸爸”作者Robert Kiyosaki称:“我经常生活在我的实际水准之上,因为这样能够激励我更加努力的工作。”