Although fond of blowing his own trumpet, he is not entirely unself-critical, admitting that he would not have made the big bet on China that was by far GM's smartest move in the 1990s.
What exactly dark matter is remains unknown: the big bet is that it is some as-yet undiscovered elementary particle, some relic of the "big Bang" that created the Universe around 13 billion years ago.
What’s more, I could sense a hovering aura of sleaze: you don’t play at 2 a.m. without gambling, and the men who bet big often have “company” for the night.
Further, the firm is also taking a big bet that a spin off of its commercial real estate assets will get a strong market reception in early 2009.
By far the biggest is that testers are an external resource. Product teams can't place too big a bet on them and must keep their quality house in order.
Rather, he started with trials in Texas and Florida, then added more experiments in other states, and finally, three years later, when the concept was validated, he bet big on the new business.
Above all, calling the bluff of bankers by paying them much less would amount to a big bet.
So beware the visionary who comes selling you a new research campus in the middle of nowhere;it might work out, but I wouldn't bet on it being the Next Big Thing.
So beware the visionary who comes selling you a new research campus in the middle of nowhere; it might work out, but I wouldn't bet on it being the Next Big Thing.
This week GSK announced the results of two trials that validate its big bet on new technologies.
Halfway through last year it was sitting on big gains on chartered-in vessels, so it doubled up the bet that charter costs would rise and went long FFAs.
Where there is laughter &comfort, you can bet your ass that the Big Spirit &magic &miracles are all around just waiting to happen.
He is at his best when evoking the greed, fear and outright paranoia of the first great age of proprietary-trading desks (which bet big with their bank's own capital).
In the 1990s, many pension funds made far too big a bet on equities, a gamble that went disastrously wrong in the 2000-02 bear market.
We made a big bet against Internet stocks in 1999 and 2000 that was very profitable for the University.
” is the question posed by one of the characters in “The Big Short”, Michael Lewis’s new book on those few investors who bet against the subprime-mortgage market.
这个问题出自迈克尔.刘易斯的新书《The BigShort》中某一人物之口,书中的投资者们在与次级抵押贷款市场的赌博中血本无归。
The oil giant made a big bet on the domestic natural gas market late last year buying Texas-based XTO Energy for billion.
If it's not possible or desirable to make the heap that big, the gencon policy is probably a good bet because it tends to outperform the optthruput policy in situations where heap size is constrained.
Another big bet of the project was to enhance communal life taking great care of the common Spaces and interconnecting them visually in order to multiply encounters between dwellers.
In 2008 Motorola bet big on Android as the sole operating system across all of its smartphone devices.
All the projects funded are relevant to HP lab's 24 major 'big bet' research projects, allowing the lab to broaden the number of researchers working on its main areas of interest.
Given these other factors and the limited usefulness of a higher currency it would be bold to bet on another big revaluation.
I'd be willing to bet it's getting a lot better though, parents in the big cities are starting to spend a lot more on English education and China is the big new market for TEFL teachers.
You have good fold equity, and a big turn bet will take down the pot a high percentage of the time.
Exactly! I bet it was a big decision to leave China and come to America, but you decided to take the plunge. Aren't you happy you did?
Polo Ralph Lauren Corp. is making a big bet to expand in Asia, but the cost of that effort rattled investors Wednesday.
Polo Ralph Lauren Corp. is making a big bet to expand in Asia, but the cost of that effort rattled investors Wednesday.