Today, American taxpayers are bailing out GM and Chrysler, foreign competitors make most of the world's best cars, and the Big Three account for less than half the cars sold in the United States.
If a Chinese brand could attract these people, it could cause a huge ripple effect among the Big Three and the Japanese manufacturers selling in the USA.
Google is worth more than the big three US car makers put together, and then some.
Michigan, by contrast, has risen and fallen with the fortunes of the Big Three.
And I've divided these into two groups, the big three and the more interesting four.
The big three became very arrogant about their positions on the top of the food chain.
The Big Three do not need any more competition, but Ford may let another player into the game.
The New Jersey-based tech giant is the first of the big three GDSs expected to IPO in 2010.
Now, let's take a high-level look at the virtualization capabilities available on the big three.
Michigan remains the most dependent on the Big Three, even more so than the BEA’s numbers suggest.
Michigan remains the most dependent on the Big Three, even more so than the BEA's numbers suggest.
The money primary proves that the Democratic field is divided into two tiers: the Big Three and the rest.
With the demise of the Big Three, a simple fact may sink in at last: Detroit will not be what it was.
Mr Niel fears ruthless tactics may be used to thwart the creation of a powerful rival to the big three.
Supposedly this is to allow the Big Three to retool their factories to produce more economical vehicles.
The firm also has a tyre plant in China, where it competes with 300 local producers as well as the big three.
You just can't roll with the big three and a bunch of old dudes and expect to beat the best teams in the NBA.
They say that "to believe that focusing on the big three is a panacea for improving global health is delusory."
That's exactly what happened after all three of the Big three began moving their purchases online in the late 1990s.
Web content authors are still eager, though, to get their pages marked up and ready for consumption by the big three.
The big three challenges that I see as I’m trying to protect the average Google user are, number one, authentication.
We absolutely will be targeting a whole host of different platforms, not even just the big three (Mac, Linux, Windows).
Gizmodo used comparable USB dongles from the big three U.S. cellular carriers to measure bandwidth in eight cities.
Today, each of the Big Three automakers - Chrysler, GM, and Ford - is turning a profit for the first time since 2004.
I mean, these securities get bought and sold on the basis of a stamp that's given to them by the big three ratings agencies.
The Big Three are already complaining that it will take too long to dish out the money, and they want the process speeded up.
The heads of the Big Three American automakers came to Washington to ask for money — on their private jets, critics noted.
Miami Heat fans won't have to wait until the NBA's owners and players settle their differences to get their next glimpse of the Big Three.
Miami Heat fans won't have to wait until the NBA's owners and players settle their differences to get their next glimpse of the Big Three.