Patient wake up in the middle of the night, and the big toe feels as if it's on fire.
But when I had it cut toenails, I found where the big toe with thick nails grow the flesh.
Press the big toe of the front foot against the wall and stretch your arms up, finger tips to the wall.
The butter, too, is hidden away in the commode; after three days it tastes like the big toe of a cadaver.
He said: 'They land on the outside and then roll the foot inwards putting all the pressure on the big toe.
They were little more than a sole with a post and knob, which was situated between the big toe and second toe.
Gout usually affects the large joint of the big toe but it can occur in the feet, ankle, knees, hands and wrists.
The innermost or first digit on the hind foot of certain mammals. In human beings, it is commonly called the big toe.
Many Japanese, including shiatsu experts, claim that separating the big toe from the second toe increases circulation.
Checking the identification on a body-via tags affixed to the big toe and wrist-is a technician's most important responsibility.
Results All the 41 fingers survived. One skin flap of the big toe was somewhat swelling and a decorating operation was performed.
A form of arthritis, gout is characterized by sudden pain, redness, swelling, and stiffness, usually in the large joint of the big toe.
Sometimes this buildup of uric acid can cause gout, a condition that causes intense swelling in one of the joints, often the the big toe.
During her stint with top Swedish club Umea IK, the big toe on her left foot was stomped and affected her preparations for the World Cup.
Bunions, a genetic condition in which the big toe joint begins to lean inwards and becomes enlarged, can also be triggered by wearing very pointy shoes.
Likewise, if your second toe is longer than the big toe (a condition known as Morton's toe), this could cause a weight imbalance resulting in back pain.
The big toe also allows the climber the ability to stand with precision on and move with force off of much smaller holds than the ball of the foot does.
In apes the joint surface points in a different direction, so that the big toe can pull away from, and grasp against, the other toes to grip on to tree limbs.
Methods Transplanted the big toe tip to reconstruct the finger tip and anastomosed the artery and nerve of big toe with the artery and nerve of the finger.
They touched the ground with their heels before transferring the weight to the balls of their feet, then rolling towards the big toe before lifting up again.
If skiers can traverse a slope on both the little toe edge side of the uphill and the big toe edge side of the downhill ski; they can ski with parallel movements.
Moses slaughtered the ram and took some of its blood and put it on the lobe of Aaron's right ear, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot.
The priest is to take some of the blood of the guilt offering and put it on the lobe of the right ear of the one to be cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot.
The wicked stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe.
Slot your foot (big toe up, pinky toe down) into the crack up to the arch of your foot, keeping your knee out to the side.
First, let this key principle marinate: climbing shoes are designed to focus power into your big toe, making it the main fulcrum around which your body rotates.
If you already have a pair of running shoes and you're wondering if they're the right size, check the location of your big toe.
If the person doesn't cut off his big toe, it just shows that I didn't offer him a big enough incentive.
If the person doesn't cut off his big toe, it just shows that I didn't offer him a big enough incentive.