Aesthetic love, staged in the bleak life.
Week by week when he got home from work, Murong would post new pieces to a story that painted a bleak yet honest picture of modern urban life in the city where he lived.
The frozen seas here are a harsh realm to explore, but they're anything but bleak, sustaining a variety of life above and below.
The results show a bleak future for Marine life as ocean acidity rises, and suggest that similar lowering of ocean pH levels may have been responsible for massive extinctions in the past.
But life like road. Must go out the lively scenery in bleak.
With the bleak leaves we ushered in a lovely season again - winter, it has been quietly entering our life.
School treatment bleak, life is hard, but the teachers are laughing with every day as a pleasurable occupation.
Facing the bleak future ahead, he sees no way out and wonders if life is really worth living.
Are often burdened with the fatigue life time, complain about the cruelty of life, the future's bleak, as if, as if the darkness not see the light of despair, deep but tired of it.
At moments when your life appears bleak and the way forward indistinct, the same thing is almost certainly happening to you.
Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments.
Every life is precious; however, the cruelty of society can seem even more unrelenting in a bleak economy.
There are a couple of bleak examples of black humour making the rounds in Tripoli that are probably inspired by real-life accounts.
Isn't it, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright color represents life beautiful happy moments.
In Zhang Ailing's novels, the different characteristics from other authors are that she described the cornerstone of material life and material detail as bleak inner secret.
Our myopic focus on this life, and this life only, is the great deception, the source of the modern world's bleak and destructive materialism.
Life is like painting, painting the bright color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time.
The weightiness of the earlier stage, humor and ridicule of the later and finally the joy of pure form can only make us taste a kind of bleak flavor of life.
Parts began to come her way—the BBC's 38)Bleak House and Nina in Chekhov's 39)The Seagull, for which she kept a notebook, charting her character's inner life.
Parts began to come her way—the BBC's 38)Bleak House and Nina in Chekhov's 39)The Seagull, for which she kept a notebook, charting her character's inner life.