Snapped up by Hollywood execs who were stunned by her performance in The Blue Angel, Marlene's beauty was renowned the globe round.
I saw the design last week. With a sky-blue casing, it looks natural and beautiful, like an Angel.
THE violet and turquoise eyes, the blue wigs, antlers and angel wings all remind you that this is not the queue for the supermarket.
Accordingly, for 24 years it has been recognized by the strictest certification institute in the world - the "Blue Angel".
Just with the fish alone, from the blue spotted angel fish to the many varieties of cat fish, all existing together.
Once I was closed to the photographing of wedding gown, the bride standing on roofs with long white gown, I can see her in a blue sea background like a happy angel.
Music angel of light dancing her graceful posture, blue sky, white clouds, green grass, sunlight … everything the world of music harmony.
His major works include Ideas of Order (1935), the Man With the Blue Guitar (1937), Notes Towards a Supreme Fiction (1942), and a collection of essays on poetry, the Necessary Angel (1951).
His major works include Ideas of Order (1935), the Man With the Blue Guitar (1937), Notes Towards a Supreme Fiction (1942), and a collection of essays on poetry, the Necessary Angel (1951).