Where does the Blue Nile meet the White Nile?
The Blue Nile starts in Lake Tana, Ethiopia and flows through Zaire, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzanian and Burundi.
AT the confluence of the White Nile and the Blue Nile in Khartoum lies Africa's largest commercial construction site.
The Blue Nile rises in Lake Tana in the Ethiopian highlands, the White Nile in Lake Victoria in Uganda (into which flow rivers from Rwanda and Tanzania).
Ethiopia has staked its development on damming the Blue Nile and other rivers. In west Africa dams are due to be built on the Niger, the Volta and Bandama.
The upstream states, including Ethiopia, source of the Blue Nile, which merges with the White Nile at Khartoum, and supplies 86% of the river's eventual flow, were allocated nothing.
Yet the majority of visitors to the Blue Nile site are women, who browse and e-mail pictures of the stone and ring they want to friends for comment, and ultimately to the target fiancé-to-be.
A framework peace accord has been reached to end the conflict in the South Kordofan and Blue Nile regions of northern Sudan.
“MEN are intimidated when they go into a jewellery store to buy their first diamond,” says Diane Irvine, the chief executive of Blue Nile.
"MEN are intimidated when they go into a jewellery store to buy their first diamond," says Diane Irvine, the chief executive of Blue Nile.
Diamonds are forever, but if Blue Nile continues to wash over the market, some traditional sellers may not be.
In the north Sudanese state of south Kordofan, rebels from the Nuba Mountains and neighbouring Blue Nile state fought alongside the south during the civil war in the hope of escaping northern control.
Ms Irvine thinks Blue Nile “can emerge stronger” from the economic slowdown and will gain market share, not least because high-street jewellers are stuck with much higher fixed costs.
厄文女士认为蓝色尼罗河在经济疲软期能“愈战愈勇”,取得更大的市场份额。 主要因为高级珠宝商正由于高昂的固定成本而陷入僵局。
From his cellphone he bought a Blue Nile ring for his wife and a eucalyptus wreath from Gump's, the home decor shop.
Blue Nile has to remember that the main objection to purchasing jewelry online will always be that consumers cannot actually see and touch the product.
Blue Nile was one of several diamond or jewellery sites launched during the late 1990s, but its need to preserve capital after the dotcom crash led to a crucial innovation in its business model.
However, Blue Nile is keenly aware that many visitors simply use the website to gather information before purchasing a piece of jewelry offline.
A press release from SPLM-North also accuses the Sudanese armed forces of bombing and killing civilians in Blue Nile, and arresting hundreds of its party members.
The Kagera river Nile, the White Nile, Blue Nile convergence from the three rivers.
Experiment of raising techniques for the exportable size of the fry in Blue-Nile Tilapia within one year was conducted in pond.
Experiment of raising techniques for the exportable size of the fry in Blue-Nile Tilapia within one year was conducted in pond.