In this metaphor, think about the relationship between the mind and the body as similar to the relationship between harmony and a harp.
It is vital to your mind, soul, body and your life on the whole that you stay in the present with all your thoughts and feelings.
It is the psychology of those who have not bothered to learn psychology, and the psychotherapy of choice for those who believe in the power of immaterial mind over body.
The helicopter becomes, in effect, part of the pilot’s body, linked back to his or her mind.
The soul, or the principle that we call the soul, is the supernal criticism of the deeds done in the body, which goes perpetually on in the waking mind.
This surely makes sense: as long as the job is not too onerous, many people benefit in mind and body from having something to get them out of the house.
Always remember that the emotion you feel in your body is the true indicator of what you really feel about your decisions rather than the thoughts in your mind.
We practice mindful walking in order to heal ourselves, because walking like that really relieves our worries, the pressure, the tension in our body and in our mind.
Leaving the tumult of scents and sunlight, in the cool evening air, the mind would grow calm and the body relaxed, savoring the inner silence born of satisfied love.
He describes the causes of being unforgiving, how the mind works in this process, and the ultimate negative effects this attitude can exert on one's body and life in general.
I achieve everything that I want. I am using the power of my mind for set my body free of even the last trace of stress that might exist in it.
The mind is based in, or just is something nonphysical, something nonmaterial…The soul can direct and give orders to the body, on the one hand.
I felt keenly for the poor body-starved theory-burdened soul, and though I was under no delusion as to the assistance I got in my Latin, I could not make up my mind to get rid of him.
A 17-year-old girl who is trapped in the body and mind of a toddler could help scientists unlock the key to ageing, according to scientists.
Imagine camping near a stream in the wilds. You can hear the soft wind in trees, a brook tinkling nearby, the evening song of birds: your mind expands and your body relaxes.
In this way, the body can rest while the mind is working its way through dreams.
His subjects were death, the disappearance or decay of the body, and in the detective or quasi-scientific stories, the life of the mind that can defeat mortality.
In Cartesian thought, the mind (‘res cogitans’) and the body (‘res extensa’) are two distinct and utterly different kinds of thing.
Posture is important because body and mind are directly linked. When the body is upright and well aligned, the mind is in balance and still.
Such ‘mindful eating’ ensures that the mind is in tune with the body, enabling it to ‘hear’ the chemical messages that tell it that we are full.
He learned all about the way in which the human body works. But he became more and more curious about the human mind.
The practice of yoga is designed to strengthen the harmony in the body, mind and spirit, thereby promoting health and wellness. In fact, the word "yoga" means to unite in harmony.
换言之,如果细胞群以不和谐的方式分开工作,疾病就会随之而来.而瑜珈的练习可以增强身体,思想和心灵的和谐,从而促进健康.其实, “瑜珈”一词的意思就是在和谐中统一.
On one side are the thoughts and emotions arising in the mind, on the other side are the respiration and sensations in the body.
I have played the dual roles and understand firsthand the intense physical drain and the nervous energy that gets stirred up in both body and mind while preparing for it.
Keep in mind that it is possible for this factory to register and create more than one type of aggregation, but you do this in the body of the code.
So, the mind gets destroyed when the ability of the body to function in that way has been destroyed.
The major point to keep in mind is that, while weight is important, it is not a total reflection of your body composition such as the amount of body fat and/or muscle that you have.
You need the practice of mindfulness to bring your mind back to the body and establish yourself in the moment.
You need the practice of mindfulness to bring your mind back to the body and establish yourself in the moment.