After hatching, young salamanders go into the breeding ground through rainwater for accresence.
In economical closed markets, Branding does not have the breeding ground as comprehensive market field.
Indeed, the fact that a patent application is the breeding ground of an unjust enrichment claim, does not require proof of a patent benefit.
To be without mindfulness or self-control is the breeding ground of evil and defilement, of being entangled in the cycle of births and deaths.
It is the breeding ground of almost 100 species of birds, many of which are rare or endangered. Some 80 other bird species migrate and seek refuge there every winter.
Laizhou cherry red, there are some within the pores, usually in the untreated stone pores, the breeding ground for bacteria or containing dirt, water, stone will decay over time or even rupture.
Parts of the shop were very dirty, unhygienic, and an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.
Flaws in the system have created a breeding ground for financial scandals.
It's tempting to leave your cleaning implement—a damp rag or sponge—hanging around to use the next day, but that could create a germ breeding ground.
We can see its family tree - and its daddy was a virus that evolved in the artificial breeding ground of a vast factory farm in North Carolina.
The culprit is not sweat itself, but the bacteria that use sweaty skin as a breeding ground.
From 1917 to 1957, New Jersey's Fort Monmouth served as the breeding and training ground for these avian soldiers.
The perfect breeding ground for collaboration, the Internet moves ideas and code around the world in an instant.
Also useful is a Clinton-era pids concerning the inadvertent destruction of a dove breeding ground.
They return to the same breeding ground, and often to the same nest, each year, and usually seek out their previous year's mate.
The same ecosystem that provides the biggest, most susceptible audience also provides the most fertile breeding ground for the nasty executables.
However, the swampy terrain was a breeding ground for mosquitoes, which carried a variety of diseases - dysentery, malaria, smallpox - that the English were unaccustomed to.
It's tempting to leave your cleaning implement — a damp rag or sponge — hanging around to use the next day, but that could create a germ breeding ground.
Every mating season, he says, the turtles leave their home and breeding ground in the salt marshes near JFK and take to the nearby sandy, open areas to lay their eggs and bury them in the ground.
Second is Stanford University, a breeding ground for tech entrepreneurs; 18 of the self-made richest attended the West Coast school for either an undergrad or graduate degree.
Today the country is a breeding ground for the world's largest and most profitable banks with an average NPL ratio of just 1.3 per cent as of the end of last month.
Last year was more or less a breeding ground for the thought process that the simpler the design, the better and more effective it is!
It is a serendipitous twist of history: the bunker, once the symbol of a wounded and cowering society, has become a breeding ground for Shanghai's music scene.
And while hot tubs are the worst offenders because the temperature of the water makes it an ideal breeding ground, swimming pools also pose a risk.
This would create a "breeding ground for conflict" that would leave the other person feeling like they are being taken for granted.
You can imagine, if you had to parse a much more complex XML document, that the handler might become a breeding ground for bugs.
Like Constantinople or Rome before it the city has become a breeding ground for suffering and injustice.
The Internet provides a fertile breeding ground for this sort of behavior to flourish.
"Financial markets are not only vulnerable to black swans but have become the perfect breeding ground for them, " says Mr Guldimann.
"Financial markets are not only vulnerable to black swans but have become the perfect breeding ground for them, " says Mr Guldimann.