The female changes colour during the breeding season.
During the breeding season the birds come ashore.
During the breeding season South Georgia hosts the densest mass of Marine mammals on Earth.
During different stages of the breeding season, behaviors excited significant differences (P<0.01).
Some 240 nests were built during the breeding season but complete data were available from only 119 of these.
And when the breeding season came, he refused to join the spawning, saying, "I've swum around the entire world."
Scientists monitored the birds during the breeding season and noted when the female birds were preparing to lay eggs.
Only one crab lives in a burrow and outside of the breeding season Red Crabs are solitary, and do not tolerate intruders into their burrows.
Until recently, scientists thought giant pandas spent most of their lives alone, with males and females meeting only during the breeding season.
Based upon the conclusions, it is recommended that prior strategy could be to prevent the mother-calf link from broken in the early stage of the breeding season.
They found that, over the course of the breeding season, deserting the nest once eggs had been laid boosted the number of descendants produced by the bird that fled.
Staff at Attenborough Nature Reserve, near Nottingham, claimed there had been several cases of birds such as Cetti's warblers being disturbed by mobile phones during the breeding season.
一位在诺丁汉附近Attenborough自然保护区工作的员工声称,已经发生了几起鸟类事件,比如处在繁殖期的Cetti 's warblers被移动电话惊扰。
Either the [Italian sparrows] just don't like the look of the [Spanish sparrows] or perhaps they have evolved a different breeding season.
Breeding season is underway for most of the world's birds, with hatchling season close behind.
Every mating season, he says, the turtles leave their home and breeding ground in the salt marshes near JFK and take to the nearby sandy, open areas to lay their eggs and bury them in the ground.
The number of dengue cases reported this year is well down on last year, but the rainy season—the main breeding time for the mosquitoes—has yet to come.
The scientists observed the redstarts in their non-breeding territories for five years during the dry season. They paid special attention to the annual variation in dry season rainfall.
Since gaining legal protection in the 1970s, Steller sea lions in British Columbian and neighboring waters have tripled in population to about 30, 000 during the summer breeding season.
The model used was the sire model containing herd-year-season(HYS) effect(fixed), sire group effect(fixed)and sire effect(random), which is widely used in dairy cattle breeding.
The season of seeding and breeding is coming.
This is the early winter, a trend feeble simultaneously is breeding the new hope season!
In laser genetic breeding field, the biological effects of lasers depend not only on irradiate parameters but also on the irradiate position on a living organism and on a season and so on.
The experiment results suggested that breeding season of mutton sheep were no affect on sheep embryos production and transplantation in these season.
Spaying a female will eliminate the yearly gravid period, although some spayed females exhibit behavioral signs of "false pregnancies" during breeding season.
Zhang Liangxian, who started a breeding base in 2006 in Suqian, Jiangsu province, says hardly any pups are left at the end of each year's dealing season.
Zhang Liangxian, who started a breeding base in 2006 in Suqian, Jiangsu province, says hardly any pups are left at the end of each year's dealing season.