I never thought I was so vulnerable, as a reminder that the past is the broken heart.
My tears slide on the edge of the lost feeling, who can pick up me the broken heart, give me the tender feelings?
Thinking about the marriage of sweet, think of the trivial in life, thinking about the broken heart, tears slowly fall down.
Each section of love, must experience the anticipation and the disappointment, the hesitation and the affirmation, the smile and the broken heart.
The broken heart, the pain, the illusion, all that stayed there, and she would start a new life away from him and all the hurt that he had caused her.
The doll had been darned by little boy's mother, however, what about the broken heart of this mother and child and the broken family?Could they be fixed by needle and thread so easily?
In order to keep the heart-broken lesson in mind, we should stop fires from happening again.
Maybe I could make a mosaic (镶嵌画) by using the pieces of my broken heart.
With these words, he left the place, low-spirited and heart-broken.
You will lose your special ambiguous friendship with her, and going to work with a broken heart may make the office a grim place for a while.
So, it looks like the way to mend a broken heart is what Mom always said: just give it time.
This kind of love reveals the void of a soul suspended between all and nothing just as becoming a Don Juan is the only remedy for a broken heart.
The power of this affliction has broken the heart of many families and friends of addicts for many years.
She finds herself drawn to Aram, played by Justin Bartha (from The Hangover), a mixed-up young guy who has had his heart broken.
The conference also heard that while heart attacks happen more in winter, broken heart syndrome is more common in summer.
As proof of the mental taxation of love, consider the drawn-out healing process it takes to mend a broken heart.
As Shakespeare said 'the course of true love never runs smooth' and so it appears that most people can empathize with both the joys of a full heart and the pain of a broken one.
If your heart is broken, find someone you can talk to who really understands the pain you're going through.
Or maybe it’s just because at such a young age, we haven’t had much practice in the art of dealing with a broken heart.
Or maybe it's just because at such a young age, we haven't had much practice in the art of dealing with a broken heart.
The panacea for a broken heart is a busy mind and a tired body; so throw yourself into work even though you don't really feel like working, and focus all your energy into your professional life.
I believe that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
He was so broken up about it that I didn't have the heart to end things, so I waited a month or so until he was in better shape.
I believe - no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
Doing things to appreciate and love yourself will help you gain the self confidence and independence you need to heal a broken heart.
So, Dr. Abhishek Deshmukh, a cardiologist at the University of Arkansas who has treated women with broken heart syndrome, became curious about just how gender-specific the condition was.
Gandhi at the end of his life was said to be heart broken with the partition of India as millions were killed and displaced.
Gandhi at the end of his life was said to be heart broken with the partition of India as millions were killed and displaced.