The brokerage firm filed for bankruptcy just two months after going public.
The brokerage firm that employed him changed hands more than once, but he continued to work out of the same office in Worcester.
Thirteen years ago, San Francisco entrepreneur Craig Newmark created an online bulletin board for the brokerage firm where he worked.
For example, in a brokerage application, it may well be that a financial advisor can see the accounts of their personal customers, but not those of other customers of the firm.
Despite disruption at the busy brokerage firm, he insisted on holding twice-yearly evacuation drills by the stairwell for the firm's 22 floors in the south tower.
“I have a very high-stress life, ” says Alena Meeker, 32, a financial analyst at a major brokerage firm in San Francisco. “I love relaxing with the games.”
“我的生活压力非常之大,”旧金山一家较大型经纪公司的32岁金融分析师米克尔(Alena Meeker)说道,“我喜欢在游戏中放松自己。”
assume Groupon partners with a retail brokerage firm that could issue Groupon stock as a deal of the day.
Market analyst David Buik from the London brokerage firm BGC Partners says wise choices outside of the U.S. more than covered the debt damage.
A once-trusted brokerage with roots dating back to the 1700s, MF Global is now a bankrupt firm suspected of misappropriating customer funds to the tune of at least $600 million.
And for God's sake don't invest money in any brokerage firm in which one of the partners is named Frenchy.
Article 28 a securities brokerage firm shall not deposit its funds in an institution other than one engaged in the banking business.
In this regard, song Joong ki brokerage firm clarify no facts, and show that the backup will be responsible for people is not lost, but to the United States to study.
Goldman Sachs led a rebound in financial stocks after the Wall Street brokerage firm said it doesn't plan any significant writedowns due to sub-prime mortgages.
Article 5 Normal securities brokerage business should be guaranteed during risk management process of the securities firm.
To withdraw funds or close an account, (1) please type all necessary information below, (2) then print this form, (3) sign the bottom, (4) and submit to brokerage firm.
Morgan Stanley (YTD -82%) and Goldman Sachs (YTD -59%), the only two biggest brokerage firm left, are under extreme stress, with Morgan Stanley facing similar situation as Lehman.
The lowest balance of funds that a clearing house or brokerage firm requires a counter-party, or the person on the other side of a deal to deposit when the trading is based on margin.
I know you... to TY is very difficult for you, but after all, TY is the best brokerage firm in China.
He lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, and although there is no salary, he accepts, hopeful he will end the program with a job and promising future.
He lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, and although there is no salary, he accepts, hopeful he will end the program with a job and promising future.