Based on this model, the brush stroke can be abstracted into a stroke model, which USES path to track the instantaneous state of the brush movement.
You may not be used to the brush stroke and the color they use. Then try to look at the paintings from a different Angle, stand away or a little closer.
Line is simply a point that moves continuously, like the edge of a shape or the motion of a single brush stroke.
With Cairo there is also a notion of a brush tip expressed through the stroke width.
To stroke a path, first select the path, then change to the brush tool, select a brush, and type Enter or Return.
Though people saw him as a prisoner, he felt more liberated with every stroke of the brush.
Instead of a brush stroke, I'm using the sun itself, the horizon itself, arranged to create images.
The simple brush stroke of a painting can be the difference between a good painting and a bad painting. A couple of words can make the difference between an average piece and an inspiring piece.
You might need to change the stroke of the brush if it looks to small or too big.
I need to first set the brush Settings because this is what I am going to use to add a stroke to the path created in the next step.
The paper presents a new method based on brush stroke to generate different artistic style painterly image.
But scientist John Taylor said the team had been frustrated by the lack of brush stroke detail on the painting.
Brush your pets daily while you are outdoors. Use a stroke that is with the hair and also against the hair, to get rid of more pet dander.
The key to the extraction process is the use of a brush stroke library, which is obtained by digitizing single brush strokes drawn by an experienced artist.
To practice the proper brush stroke, hold the toothbrush head (without any toothpaste on it yet) at a 45-degree angle toward your gums.
开始练习正确的刷牙方式,保持刷头(上面还没有牙膏) 与牙龈成45 度角。
This essay aims at discussing the aesthetic perception of brush stroke in the oil painting based on such various aspects as dynamic force, surface layer, rhyme, skill as well as spirit.
You must adjust yourself to the stroke of your ink and brush. The whole process is impromptu, just like you play a melody with your emotion changing.
Each painting radiates the unique importance of brushwork, especially the use of the single brush stroke.
Guo nairui 14-year-old holding a brush pen writes down his name on the paper stroke by stroke.
Canvas is painted in light colors, thrilling stroke of the brush and linear drawing lead us to romantic human vision that have no concrete body, but embrace lucidity of sky, water and ground.
The paintings are ultra high definition, you can see every brush stroke, crack and scratch in the oil.
The paintings are ultra high definition, you can see every brush stroke, crack and scratch in the oil.