The yolk, though very high in cholesterol, is also high in choline, which is a very important building block of brain cells.
As the steel structure is a steel shed throughout the building, so its strength is very high, and even can be used to resist typhoon.
This is 120 metres high, the maximum width is 1.2 metres horizontal and purlin construction is 60 metres in Shanghai should be very small building.
As the foundation of high-rise building is embeded rather deep, it is very difficult for construction, especially when the geological condition and the hydrological factor are complex.
The fire fighting electrical design of high-rise building is a very complicated, high technical and well-connected with the present Fire Code work.
The main building is clad in smooth high quality wooden panel with very few knots and has a sleek, roundedsoffit, and the screen walls and eaves are lam board.
主建筑使用的是高质量的光滑木板,几乎没有结疤。 底面饱满光滑。隔墙和屋檐则是使用木板。
Abstract: Checking and measuring the verticality is very important in the vertical control of high-rise building const ruction.
Trust model is the basis of trust mechanism. Due to the complexity of the trust itself, building efficient, high-precision trust model is still a challenging and very significant issue.
Approach Architecture Studio locates in a common high-rise office building, where the height of the floor is very low.
The exhibition and conference building is very fire risk bearing due to that it has large area with high height and is crowded with people.
At the moment, the opposite high building is still washed its dust by rain. Now, the distant melodious sound of flute is still acting its beautiful fairy tale, but now I miss you very much.
At the moment, the opposite high building is still washed its dust by rain. Now, the distant melodious sound of flute is still acting its beautiful fairy tale, but now I miss you very much.