The Bureau of Labour Statistics has given American workers a big reason to hope, however.
In September, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, Oklahoma City's unemployment was just 5.9%.
This morning, the Bureau of Labour Statistics reported a disappointing gain of only 39,000 jobs for the month of November.
This morning, the Bureau of Labour Statistics reported a disappointing gain of only 39, 000 jobs for the month of November.
The Bureau of Labour Statistics estimates that workers recently laid off have a 30% chance of finding work in a given month.
Although manufacturers added jobs in June, the average workweek shortened by half an hour, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics.
Consumer spending per household fell by 2.8% in 2009, the first time it had fallen since the Bureau of Labour Statistics started gathering data in 1984.
AMERICANS are spending less on clothes and eating out and more on household fuel bills and healthcare, according to data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics.
Last week the Bureau of Labour Statistics reported fourth-quarter labour-productivity growth of 6.9%, after increases of 7.6% and 7.8% in the previous two quarters.
The Bureau of Labour Statistics has released its latest inflation figures, providing us with an opportunity to reflect on where the American macroeconomy is heading.
Each month the Census Bureau on behalf of the Bureau of Labour Statistics surveys 60,000 households, then extrapolates the results to the entire American population.
Each month the Census Bureau on behalf of the Bureau of Labour Statistics surveys 60, 000 households, then extrapolates the results to the entire American population.
After 2000, the country's metal-bashers somehow managed to raise their productivity growth by another notch, to 5.1% a year, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics.
The Bureau of Labour Statistics calculates that women make up more than two-thirds of employees in ten of the 15 job categories likely to grow fastest in the next few years.
The Bureau of Labour Statistics has released the latest state-level employment data, for the month of December, so it's possible to get a look at which states enjoyed the most job growth in 2010.
And according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics, time has changed little. The current unemployment rate among black Americans is almost 16%; among whites the figure is under 10%.
They also used data from the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics and Trade Associations.
They also used data from the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics and Trade Associations.