They had defeated inflation and tamed the business cycle.
In some ways that is the inescapable reality of the business cycle.
The problem lies deeper than the current slowdown and transcends the business cycle.
The JPY tends to strengthen during the early recovery phases of the business cycle.
'this is what you would expect for a country coming out of this part of the business cycle.'
This is what you would expect for a country coming out of this part of the business cycle.
A. How are they motivating employees and managers at this particular juncture in the business cycle?
The business cycle is a graph that depicts the real-output of the economy with respect to time.
Marriage and divorce rates have remained remarkably immune to the ups and downs of the business cycle.
On the surface, this sounds like a statement about the temporary condition of the business cycle.
The business cycle was supposedly subdued, yet the world is in the deepest recession since the 1930s.
Its report said that while there was still "deterioration in the business cycle", it was at a decreasing rate.
These are "The business cycle, effect of US economy on the world and the importance of the share market".
For Milton Friedman calling the business cycle a "cycle" is a misnomer, because of its non-cyclical nature.
Armed with that insight, the disease of the business cycle should be addressed in one or more of three ways.
to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle. (NETEM 2000, Passage 1, Paragraph 4)
I believe this contraction in the business cycle is an inflection point where corporate reaction to IT has changed.
Each business unit was required to earn a shareholder value-added profit margin of 20% on average over the business cycle.
These workers are hired and laid off during the course of the business cycle just as employees in the United States are.
Individual countries would then target this debt level over the business cycle, allowing for some flexibility on both sides.
The use of fiscal policy to fine-tune the business cycle in any more than this passive way went out of fashion around 30 years ago.
It would highlight that the business cycle exists in China and that whilst the trend is up, one should expect setbacks along the way.
But I believe that where the business cycle is concerned, if you cannot be with the one you love, you should love the one you're with.
In 2007 almost half of the countries within the OECD ran structural fiscal surpluses (that is, adjusted for the state of the business cycle).
In this example, you can see the compute resources allocated to DB2 UDB change depending on the business need or the location in the business cycle.
在这个例子中,您可以看到,分配给DB 2UDB的计算资源随着业务需求或业务周期中的位置而变化。
In this example, you can see the compute resources allocated to DB2 UDB change depending on the business need or the location in the business cycle.
在这个例子中,您可以看到,分配给DB 2UDB的计算资源随着业务需求或业务周期中的位置而变化。