Listen to the instructions of the cabin crew and follow their commands. Their purpose is to protect you.
Additional lifejackets and flotation cots for small children and babies will be given out by the cabin crew.
Additional life jackets and flotation cots for small children and babies will be given out by the cabin crew.
The cabin crew was notified of an impending emergency landing, and the cabin and passengers were prepared for the landing.
The flight departed on time, the cabin crew was attentive and helpful and in what seemed no time at all we were on the ground at Shanghai Pudong Airport.
You put the seat belt signs on and advise the cabin crew, telling them whether they need to put away equipment or trolleys so that nothing flies around the plane.
An airliner was having engine trouble, and the pilot instructed the cabin crew to have the passengers take their seats and get prepared for an emergency landing.
When you fly, you may have noticed that every time the plane takes off or lands at night the cabin crew dim the lights.The reason is to acclimatize passenger's eyes to darker surroundings.
When you fly, you may have noticed that every time the plane takes off or lands at night the cabin crew dim the lights. The reason is to acclimatize passenger's eyes to darker surroundings.
Housing the crew in a watertight cabin is obviously preferable, and to counter its buoyancy Polmar suggests borrowing another idea from Convair's design - floodable fuel tanks.
This view of the underside of the crew cabin of the space shuttle Discovery was provided by the Expedition 23 crew during a survey as STS-131 approached the International Space Station.
Each of the crew has a closet-like cabin where they can hook a sleeping bag to the wall and settle down for the night.
There is a perception that cabin crew – men and women – are fair game and sometimes it can get flirtatious; I guess it relieves the tedium.
A rover prototype, the Space Exploration Vehicle, which is the size of a pickup truck, has a pressurised cabin in which crew can live for up to 14 days.
There are no average days when you're cabin crew; each flight is unpredictable in its own way, thanks to the passengers.
Its cabin crew responded by voting to strike over the Christmas period, alienating the millions of customers that pay their wages and fund those pensions.
"There are still three crew members in the cabin, " said Bob Steensma of the Dutch justice department. "I'm sorry to say they are dead.
When we were on the ground and the passengers and crew were deplaning, I stood at the forward cabin door and said, I'm sorry.
As well as being able to control features of the aircraft seat, such as cabin crew alerts and volume controls, services such as destination content and information about activities are also included.
To cut costs, the firm has reduced cabin-crew numbers on long-haul flights from 15 to 14, frozen pay for two years and drawn up a less generous contract for new employees.
When they reached the cabin they heard the phone ringing. It was the volunteer emergency crew on the other end.
Aviation consultant Anthony Prakasam believes that the mass use of mobile devices onboard flights will also make passengers less demanding, meaning less cabin crew needed on each flight.
British Airways' cabin crew say they have offered to take pay cuts, a far cry from the inflation-busting rises demanded three decades ago.
British Airways' cabin crew say they have offered to take pay cuts, a far cry from the inflation-busting rises demanded three decades ago.