The Democratic convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn.
During the presidential campaign, Obama expressed support for Constellation but after the election, he set up a panel of outside experts to review NASA's plans and how much they might ultimately cost.
As Australia's national election campaign entered its final two weeks, opinion polls showed a surge of support for the opposition conservative coalition.
McCain, after all, supported cap-and-trade on the campaign trail-he only reversed himself after he lost the election (see here for a few theories on that).
Above, on Feb. 12, 2010, an Iraqi man sorts through election campaign posters stacked on a Baghdad street as official campaigning begins the next day for Iraq's March 7 general election.
Meet each of the candidates and read their campaign promises and find out why their supporters decided to vote for them in this class election.
MANY campaign posters for Japan's general election on August 30th print the candidate's name in hiragana, a rudimentary, phonetic script first taught to children, rather than the kanji.
Obama is also focused on the economy as he campaigns in several so-called battleground states, states that are expected to be competitive for both candidates in the general election campaign.
A black stretch limousine was waiting for him at the capital's Reagan National airport, something he seldom rode in during the long election campaign, not wanting to be seen as presumptive.
During her election campaign it was difficult for Merkel to hint in any way that the former British prime minister might be the best candidate.
Our campaign money was undisputably clean money that had been withdrawn at the end of the campaign to pay for our efforts to call voters and offer rides to the polls on election day.
He was criticised for being drunk during the 2000 election campaign, and derided for talking about "expenditure" when he meant "revenue" in an address to parliament last month.
But the campaign has in effect been running for months: regardless of the official fripperies, Britain's political parties have been in election mode since Christmas at least.
The fundraisers would have brought in millions of dollars for the re-election war chest, the campaign official said.
Resolving the question of what Obama stands for, of what Obamaism amounts to, is sure to be among the central concerns of his re-election campaign.
That is why Europe and the world are watching with close interest as the campaign for next spring's presidential election unfolds.
Chan said that she will prepare well for the election campaign, vowing to do her utmost to make greater contribution to world health development if she succeeds.
After the election I talked about it for hours with Anne Wexler, who had done a superb job as campaign manager.
The campaign organisation he built for that election has been kept running, under the new name Organising for America.
Age UK, a pressure group for the elderly, is running a campaign during the election under the slogan “our power is our number”.
Punjab’s minister of law, Rana Sanaullah, went on the campaign trail in February with the reputed head of Sipah-e-Sahaba, for a by-election in the southern town of Jhang.
二月份,作为著名的“巴基斯坦先知之友”领导人,旁遮普省法律部长Rana Sanaullah坚持参加了章马南部城镇的一次候选人竞选活动。
On July 6th the campaign for October's general election formally kicks off.
Punjab's minister of law, Rana Sanaullah, went on the campaign trail in February with the reputed head of Sipah-e-Sahaba, for a by-election in the southern town of Jhang.
二月份,作为著名的“巴基斯坦先知之友”领导人,旁遮普省法律部长Rana Sanaullah坚持参加了章马南部城镇的一次候选人竞选活动。
This was one of the League’s main promises in the campaign for the election that it won in a landslide in December 2008.
The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.
The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.