Her aunt knows little about the Carpenters, doesn't she?
Some of your biggest musical influences have been the Carpenters and Air Supply CDs.
When the first tree arrived at the carpenters, he was made into a feed box for animals.
But this was all the carpenters could do before the arrival of the frosts and bad weather.
The Carpenters gently pulled out the splinter. Then they lanced and cleaned the festering wound.
The Carpenters moved to Farmington two years ago, when Kim became director of the Highlands University Center.
There were the electricians, the sheet-metal workers, the carpenters and the pilots in their star-spangled ties.
One day an old Elephant sought refuge from the heat of the sun in the shade of the woods where the Carpenters worked.
As well as the great monuments of Nara and later Kyoto, the carpenters of Takayama naturally turned their hand to building their own town.
The carpenters, therefore, worked vigorously during the month of April, which was troubled only by a few equinoctial gales of some violence.
An exquisite expression of loss and yearning, it stands should-to-shoulder with some of the best folk ballads of the Carpenters and the Beatles.
失去和思念的细致表达,它可与卡朋特(The Carpenters)及披头士一些最好的民谣比肩。
An electrician cannot rip out a board to fix a connection and put it back again: that is the special job, no matter how simple it may be, of the carpenters.
What interests us most is that the carpenters were intended to retaliate the owners, on the contrary, this accident has inadvertently made the fame of Yuchang Building over centuries.
High speed wood combined machining center is a workshop-oriented system that is designed especially for stationary technology needs in the furniture industry and in the carpenters trade.
Clearly, Japanese carpenters of the day knew a few tricks about allowing a building to sway and settle itself rather than fight nature's forces.
Other local carpenters have been trained in the new design so that they can respond to requests.
I'm having my carpenters work full time, but some of the important building materials are being delayed at the customs.
I'm having my carpenters work full time, but some important building materials are being delayed at the customs.
Many centuries ago, in a certain village near a river in India, all the men were trained as Carpenters.
Mobile operators build and run them because they make a profit doing so, and fishermen, carpenters and porters are willing to pay for the service because it increases their profits.
Bricklayers, plumbers and carpenters are among the occupations affected, as demand for skilled staff falls in Australia's slowing building and construction sectors.
They often fail to understand the local economy and therefore train children for the wrong professions. In Liberia, for example, too many ex-combatants were educated as carpenters and hairdressers.
She imagines the Phoenician carpenters and stonemasons who erected it in the tenth century B.C. She imagines as well the Babylonians who destroyed it four centuries later.
她看到了这座建筑构筑于古城的北方悬崖上,足以俯瞰耶路撒冷的汲沦谷(Kidron Valley),她想象有那么个可以俯视王国全貌的理想高点;她想象腓尼基的木匠和石匠在公元前十世纪竖起了这座建筑;她又联想到了巴比伦人在四个世纪后毁了这座建筑。
The First Company contains carpenters and artisans and has certain privileges.
He followed the sounds and came upon the busy Carpenters.
The construction boom continues at a record pace in North America, driving a strong demand for trained carpenters.
All the furniture has been designed especially for this project, built on site and labored by local carpenters.
To build a house, you need the services of carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, and several other craftsmen.
To build a house, you need the services of carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, and several other craftsmen.