That annual bicycle race, the Tour de France, much loved by the French is a good case in point.
A case in point is the study by Linda Sax at UCLA, who used data from a large national survey of college freshmen to evaluate the effect of single-sex versus coeducational high schools.
In either case, the service router supports the service Integrator, which is now a single point of access for that business function or process.
When this is the case, this technique of tracking state from one join point to be used in a later one is quite helpful.
In the case of workload balanced end point references (EPR), the request is load balanced across servers in the cluster.
But my point is that exceptional product, in this case your content, is not enough, just as an outstanding retail product isn't enough if the retailer ignores the other aspects of his business.
The right event at the right time can give a city a lift: Barcelona, host in 1992, is a case in point.
Even in the best case scenario from this point onward, is the Fukushima site now a radioactive waste dump for years to come?
The reason they are receiving much more attention now is that the supporting technologies have matured to the point where much more can be automated practically than was the case in the past.
The latest version of the EU rule book, the Lisbon treaty, is a sorry case in point.
The semiconductor equipment sector, one of the world's more volatile and cyclical businesses, is a case in point.
The relative performance of China, the leading exporter among emerging economies, and Germany, the rich world’s champion, is a case in point.
In the case that the network or remote data point is unavailable, a developer might choose to use local file access to present alternative data.
The use case in Figure 2 is rather slim, indicating its name and some point-form notes describing the main idea.
In this case, the point-to-point messaging model is used where the sender and receiver of messages use the same JMS destination.
Case in point: one mother in the study hit her toddler after the toddler either hit or kicked the mother, admonishing, "This is to help you remember not to hit your mother.
The recent decision of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah to allow women to vote in municipal elections is a case in point.
There are, of course, exceptions; the rape of the Sabine women is a case in point.
A vivid case in point is the prodigious antlers of the bull elk.
The typical starting point in OOAD is use-case models, but the starting point in SOAD is business-process modeling.
From a speaker point of view, it is also a good idea to be able to deliver your presentation without the slides just in case of projector failure.
The example of the USA, a country with perhaps the leading DIY tape and noise scene in the world, is a case in point.
And then, we have two cases. So, the case where the system is invertible corresponds to the general situation where your three planes somehow all just intersect in one point.
And then in this case actually then X is 0. So the point, the original, the point with coordinates (0, 0) is on the line.
As is usually the case, the Wiki isn't perfect, but it's a very good starting point for documentation; I'll explore it more fully in the next article.
Finally, I left the "Student" actor in the diagram, even though no direct interaction occurs at this point because this actor is referred to in the steps of the use case.
最后,即使在这时没有发生直接交互,我也保留了序列图中的“Student ”参与者,因为这个参与者将在用例步骤中引用。
In this case, you take the top portion of the file up to the point where the first workbook is defined and put that into body_header.txt.
在本例中,您采用了文件顶部部分一直到定义第一个工作簿的地方,并将它们放入body_header . txt中。
The April 1906 earthquake in San Francisco is a case in point.
The basic idea is to create a dynamic Web application project and point it to the application server runtime, which in this case is the Apache Tomcat runtime.
The basic idea is to create a dynamic Web application project and point it to the application server runtime, which in this case is the Apache Tomcat runtime.