There is correlate relationship between some components of industry characteristics and some components of firm decision behavior rationality, but the casual relationship between them is not obvious.
Not a watch for those who cannot live without knowing the exact time but ideally suited to those seeking a stylish watch that offers a rather more casual relationship with time telling.
Weigh dialogue to decide the nature of the relationship. Listen for clues that indicate that the people are friends, casual acquaintances, business associates or meeting for the first time.
Confidence is in casual, from the inside out of a kind of information, the information is full of strength, let people in interpersonal relationship is full of charm.
Naturalists and casual observers alike have been struck by the special relationship between squirrels and acorns (the seeds of oak trees).
The effect of this. is. to substitute fortuitous and casual relationship for the more intimate and permanent associations of the smaller community.
On the other hand, he felt that we had gotten too playful, too casual, with the relationship between Pi and the tiger, which is a profound one.
Holiday gift giving etiquette for newly committed couples is a bit more lenient than their new and casual relationship counterparts, with items falling in the $30-75 range.
The relationship between the three elements is a casual one, slipping past each other, sliding towards the sea.
The word for friend in this verse does not mean a casual acquaintance but a close, trusted relationship.
The effect of this is to substitute fortuitous and casual relationship for the more intimate and permanent associations of the smaller community .
The effect of this is to substitute fortuitous and casual relationship for the more intimate and permanent associations of the smaller community .