Fire investigators have responded to the scene but have not yet determined the cause of the fire.
Their probe into the cause of the fire proved futile.
The cause of the fire was traced to a faulty fuse-box.
We don't have, I don't have any information yet on what the cause of the fire is.
He started an inquiry into the cause of the fire, and prosecute it for three weeks.
Up till now opinions are divided as to the cause of the fire and who was the arsonist.
The roof collapsed as they fought the blaze. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
The inquiries made by the police so far have failed to throw any light on the cause of the fire.
Treatment of the injured persons and an investigation of the cause of the fire are currently under way.
The aircraft was only 2 years old and will be held in Guam until the cause of the fire is established, Jetstar said.
He couldn't confirm the cause of the fire, but one Sinai resident blamed it on a cigarette discarded during the scramble for fuel.
Therefore, to study the cause of the fire and management measures for staff gathering places of public entertainment becomes very important.
So far, no casualties have been reported in the inferno, which broke out at 8pm local time on Tuesday night. The cause of the fire is unknown.
All 157 passengers and eight crew members scrambled to safety before the plane was engulfed in flames. The cause of the fire is still unknown.
The report said the dead were burned beyond recognition and will have to be identified by DNA testing. The cause of the fire is being investigated.
They say the blaze that killed nine firefighters ignited in a loading dock. However, they are not saying if they have determined the cause of the fire.
The cause of the fire was unclear; some clubbers blamed it on fireworks while others said it had been caused by an electrical fault in the Santika club.
We will as in the past to uphold the quality, reputation, service, enthusiasmfor the first idea makes the contribution for China the cause of the fire.
The cause of the fire remained unknown, but a witness said he saw construction materials burning before the fire climbed up the scaffolding and quickly spread.
Zhang Jichang, the fishing boat owner, said the fire started in the electrical system in the engine room, however, the cause of the fire is being investigated.
Investigators looking into the cause of the fire had found that there were no fire extinguishers or fire alarms in the warehouse which stored cars, tyres, and paperwork.
Ceramic Art achievements of the cause of the fire, and their lives, because of the fire and contain language making pottery is very difficult to break the current context.
Just as the cause of the fire that destroys a house can be both the spilled kerosene on the floor and the discarded cigarette stub, child labor can have many triggering factors.
Just as the cause of the fire that destroys a house can be both the spilled kerosene on the floor and the discarded cigarette stub, child labor can have many triggering factors.