The Central Authority enacts the specified items in the rights transformation plan and the regulations for implementing the rights transformation.
To get those keys, the device's manufacturer needs the help of the central authority, because only the central authority can do keygen to determine the device's private key.
The company is newly established for procurement of the concession agreement and its business items have been approved by the central authority in charge of the enterprise concerned.
Such a service could be used as the central authority for an enterprise, such as a pharmaceutical company, where researchers needed to integrate data from internal as well as external sources.
However, since age apparently remained the overriding principle of social organization in central Kenya, some senior women had much authority.
A huge storm that collapsed part of a cliff on Israel's central coast led to the discovery of a statue dating back to the Roman period, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Tuesday.
Everyone has their own copy of the textbook supplied by the central education authority, Monbusho, as part of the concept of free compulsory education up to the age of 15.
作为免费义务教育理念的一部分,在15岁之前,每个人都有中央教育机构Monbusho 提供的教科书。
As with any new authority, the first and most central questions are: how would this work?
Several central Banks in the region, including the People's bank of China, the bank of Korea and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, have given warnings about the risk of asset bubbles.
There was nothing special about the central bank performing this role. The same job could have been done by a well-staffed economics think tank with the authority to talk about the overnight rate.
They did not believe in strict curfews; Mr. Paul says that unintended consequences - like speeding home to beat the clock - can result from excessive meddling from a central authority.
HDCP has a single master key, which is supposed to be known only by the central HDCP authority.
That risk has shrunk since the Fed received authority in September to pay interest on reserves, as other major central Banks have long been able to.
Because it is run by a decentralized network of computers around the world, Bitcoin does not require a central authority like a central bank or financial institution.
Thus he advocates that all members of society submit to one absolute, central authority for the sake of maintaining the common peace.
In addition to these new features, several more products have boarded Fix Central since it was introduced in the Support Authority in November, 2007.
Article 10 the competent authority at central, municipal, county or city shall designate budgeting in accordance with all the projects planned by its gender equity education committee.
One purpose of the trip was to visit Gttingen, where Alan consulted some authority, presumably in connection with the Central Limit Theorem.
Member countries are represented by their central bank or, where there is no central bank, the authority with formal responsibility for banking supervision in that country.
Article21marine dumping and Marine incineration shall be performed in zones designated by the central competent authority.
A Bank shall keep confidential all information regarding Deposits, loans or remittances etc. of its customers unless otherwise required by law or by order of the Central Competent Authority.
A strong central authority will have to issue strict laws for starting companies and the use of raw materials.
The central competent authority in consultation with the relevant agencies shall determine the air quality standards in the foregoing paragraph.
The central competent authority in consultation with the relevant agencies shall determine regulations for the irregular air pollutant emissions testing of in-use motor vehicles.
The central competent authority in conjunction with the relevant agencies shall determine the emergency control regulations for the serious deterioration of air quality in the foregoing paragraph.
With the Chinese market for Bitcoin the largest so far, this may be a natural response to protect the central bank's authority on the money system.
With the Chinese market for Bitcoin the largest so far, this may be a natural response to protect the central bank's authority on the money system.