Last year China was invited as main guest of honor to Europalia Arts Festival and the Frankfurt International Book Fair.
This year, the Europalia-China Arts Festival and the Frankfurt International Book Fair have been successfully held.
Of all the top Chinese Banks, bank of China was the most zealous in pushing loans out last year, with its lending book growing 38%.
The popularity of gap years in China was triggered in 2009 by Sun Dongchun's book "The Late gap year".
After achieving success as a stand-up comedian in the US for the past two years, the 41-year-old has returned to China to publicize his book The Tao of Humor: An Autobiography by Joe Wong.
After achieving success as a stand-up comedian in the US for the past two years, the 41-year-old has returned to China to publicize his book The Tao of Humor: An Autobiography by Joe Wong.