The choice is yours to make, so you can find one that is appropriate to your needs.
When this change comes to your neighborhood, the choice is yours. What flavors will you make?
Yes, you can have a Money Link card. You can also base the account on time deposits. The choice is yours.
You can do the same thing, no matter what's going on in your life, commit to only have good days; the choice is yours!
This alarm function helps you remember important appointments - you decide when and how often - the choice is yours.
And whether you want to have friends who are like you, or a more diverse group of friends, make sure the choice is yours.
You can add your own sports equipment if you want: a surf board, some diving gear ? the choice is yours. Just enjoy.
See message previews for 5-60 seconds on the screen until it disappears or until you double click, the choice is yours.
请参阅邮件预览为5 - 60秒,在屏幕上,直到它消失或直到你双击,选择是你的。
The Future Is Now-The Choice is yours As two men were about to be sent into prison, the warden let each of them make a demand.
Every morning you have two choices: continue ur sleep with dreams or wake up to chase ur dreams. THE CHOICE IS YOURS. GOOD MORNING.
Or perhaps you'd prefer to frame your subject in the vertical format, as we've indicated with these frame lines. The choice is yours.
Or perhaps you'd prefer to frame. your subject in the vertical format, as we've indicated with these frame. lines. The choice is yours.
New tools are arriving in cities and towns around the world. When this change comes to your neighborhood, the choice is yours. What flavors will you make?
The choice is yours; in this case, I prefer using Tomcat's interface because Tomcat is already running and I don't have to find its path on the underlying file system.
选择权在您手中;在这里,我倾向于使用Tomcat的接口,因为 Tomcat已经在运行中,并且我不必寻找它在底层文件系统中的路径。
Burn it to a blank DVD or write the output to a folder or image file on your hard drive or media server, compress content to fit on smaller discs, the choice is yours!
刻录到空白D VD或写在你的硬盘驱动器或媒体服务器输出到一个文件夹或图像文件,压缩内容以适合小光盘,选择是你的!
You can create one quick catalog file, and add and remove objects from it as required, or you may wish to create several different catalogs for different purposes - the choice is yours.
Following the latest fashion, in work or in life, is spiritual and intellectual suicide.You can be a cheap imitation of the ideal of the moment; or you can be a unique individual. The choice is yours.
The choice of whether to reuse or not pay until you need the resources is now yours, but you no longer need to have the spare capacity there, waiting for the "just in case" situation to occur.
您可以选择重用资源,或者直到需要时再购买资源,但是不再需要保留备用容量 “以防万一”。
Fast food nutrition facts are designed to inform the public so they may make healthy food choices, but the choice is still ultimately yours.
It seems that, in bad times, when offer that precious comes along, it's not yours to say what the choice is.
When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices. Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams. Choice is yours.
For each soul the future is yours to decide and you will be granted the freedom of choice.
When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices, Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams, choice is yours!
Magnetism is a natural quality of yours and you should make the most of it with your choice of fragrance.
Magnetism is a natural quality of yours and you should make the most of it with your choice of fragrance.