They can work and use childminders (parent minders too?), and they can let their partner stay at home while they become the No 1 breadwinner – an increasingly visible choice.
This would help women to pick a suitable partner, and that's a particularly important ability to have because the costs of poor mate-choice decisions can be severe.
We can now set about delivering our commitments in programme delivery and ensure we become the dependable partner of choice for our Norwegian customer.
However, the Austin's female characters when facing the choice of marriage partner, she often rendered unconscious anxiety about marriage.
A contraceptive pill that could be taken by either partner would have a major positive impact on the relationship, where more often than not the only choice of medication must be taken by the female.
The volunteers were asked to choose the most attractive photos, and write an essay either about their current romantic partner, or the subject of their choice.
Fabio Capello issued a strong defence of Rio Ferdinand yesterday and insisted that the Manchester United defender remains his first-choice central defensive partner for John Terry.
From 2016, Beijing Company is given a right of choice and it could become the partner of German Company by purchasing stocks of German Company.
Transnational Corporation and active cooperation, and become its strategic partner, or China's automobile industry will become the inevitable choice.
Shanghai Epic's objective is to become the business partner of your choice for the entertainment industry.
So the partner choice is one of establishment virtual enterprise's essential links, and relates directly to the virtual enterprise final success or failure.
If your partner will not seek help in battling his problem, or is in total denial that he even has a problem, you have no healthy choice but to end the relationship.
When enterprises carry on co-marketing and establish marketing alliance, the choice of partner is the first problem which they must face with.
More over it has become 21st century modern car's best partner, as well as choice of the Aoto Fans.
Second, through to the partner screening channel, the flow and so on analysis, proposed partner screening must insist five big principles, as well as choice four stage model;
At that price, Luiz would become the first choice partner for JT, with Alex moving into back-up.
Then the researchers picked either someone's least favorite choice or the perfect present, but made it seem like it was coming from that person's partner instead.
The choice of this partner is in the same strain with Audi's sponsorship tenet in the global cultural field.
We want to be our clients' first choice in the Marine service market and be their reliable partner and consultant.
We are the preferred partner for your business on the Internet to establish and promote the brand. I believe that your choice will make your business more effective!
We are the preferred partner for your business on the Internet to establish and promote the brand. I believe that your choice will make your business more effective!